Anon's been thinking about parasites. A successful parasite draws its sustenance from its host, but doesn't weaken the host too much, it would seem. Unless the parasite can find a new host, killing its host could be counterproductive. What about animals or people that are so laden with parasites and infection that they die? Don't most of the parasites die, too?
Anyway, it appears to me that America is afflicted with parasites of various varieties. Some might be people who are on the dole, but didn't serve the country in any meaningful manner. Others might be bureaucrats that collect or acquire significant resources due to their position but don't contribute to the benefit of the country.
The "parasite class" in the US might want to seriously consider what their conditions will be if a collapse ensues. Anon about lost it upon hearing that there was an effort to curtail property taxes that are really "rental" payments on personal property. Good that it is finally getting attention, but a true shame that so many have been victimized by "property taxes" for so long. As Americans awaken to just how much of their hard earned resources have been confiscated and then "returned" in the form of intentional harm and damages to "We the People" it seems their could be a release of some pent-up frustration and horror over the truth.
Truth makes us free, but anon thinks a spiritual awakening is necessary to heal the damage inflicted by years of lies and b.s.
Parasite class, you are warned. Anon prays you repent before you reap the full harvest of your evil deeds.