Anonymous ID: d407c2 March 10, 2023, 6:33 a.m. No.18479331   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Before the legacy MSM news.

>Russia has taken Bakhmut.


> Go to the table, actor-boy. Russia won't stop.


Idiotic article. Looks like Putin's losing patience. Guess the U.S. NATO, the EU and Ukrainians don't remember Kursk.

Museum pieces Indeed. The T-62 has a modern stabilized semi auto smoothbore gun. The Russians have as many as 18,000 T-62, T-64, T-72, T-72B3, T-80, T-80U, and T-90 tanks in inventory. Most of these out gun most NATO tanks and the Abrahms, and have far greater range and reliability.


I don't think UK, NATO or the U.S. have 18,000 AT rockets left.


The timing for a spring offensive is good, as the fields are generally dry enough in mid April for planting spring wheat. Ukraine is perfectly suited for tank warfare and the Russians are the best. They also have the shortest supply lines, massive petroleum reserves, a booming economy and public support, all as the West is losing interest in this heinously expensive proxy "war".


The Russians can do this easily without a nuclear escalation unless it's on the side of NATO and their military/industiral/banking oligrchy. World opinion has already swung to the side of the Russians.


The "West" is in real danger of losing what little legitimacy it might still have. If the U.S., NATO,and the EU commit ground troops, use ballistic missiles or tactical nukes against Russia, Western governments, having lost any credibility at home, will fall instantly to their populist majorities.


If the U.S. and their NATO puppets don't come to the negotiating table soon they're going to have tanks in downtown Kiev this spring and torches and pitchforks at home.