Anonymous ID: 316ad2 June 21, 2018, 10:30 a.m. No.1848755   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8829



addendumdum duuuuuuum


The “T” symbol is 19th number/letter in the Roman Score (i.e., the Roman alphabet) and the 20th letter in the modern English alphabet. Mathematically speaking, the “T” symbol has a numeric value of “18” in the Roman Score while the letter "T" has a numeric value of “20” in the English alphabet. The “T” symbol, which was likely derived from the Wheel of Fortuna and is an acronym for the Roman capital city of Thule (ie., Atlantis, Greenland), Tiw (i.e., Týr), the god of single combat and destruction in Viking mythology, and the Cross of Tau, a double-sided axe which is currently depicted in the flag of Crete. "Tau" is also the official name for the letter "T" in the Greek alphabet where it is also the 19th symbol. The modern name for a "Tau" (i.e., a double-sided axe) is




(see photo below) which also originated from Crete and is widely recognized as one of the oldest symbols of Greek civilization.