Anonymous ID: 368a18 June 21, 2018, 10:52 a.m. No.1849006   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9033 >>9055 >>9160



Former Secret Service Agent Gary J. Byrne, an outspoken critic of the Clintons since he left the White House and their employ, has filed a RICO lawsuit against former President Bill Clinton, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and a list of others.


The nature of the suit, according to the filed documents, is “racketeer-influenced and corrupt organizations.”


In addition to the Clintons, Byrne names a number of Clinton associates and supporters as defendants, including:


Clinton Foundation

Clinton-Giustra Enterprise Partnership

Media Matters For America

Correct the Record

American Bridge 21st Century


David Brock

George Soros

John Podesta

Byrne also names fellow veteran Secret Service Agent and CNN Law Enforcement Analyst Jonathan Wackrow as a defendant in the suit.


As of Wednesday, electronic summons had been issued to all named defendants and Byrne had filed a certificate of disclosure titled “Corporate Affiliations and Financial Interests.”


Among the many charges that appear in the at times almost incoherent filing is the charge that a criminal syndicate involving the Clintons, David Brock, Donna Brazile, and George Soros murdered Seth Rich.


Byrne is reportedly seeking damages of $1 billion, and refused to provide an address because he feared assassination.


Byrne threatened to file suit against several of the defendants in 2016 following the release of his tell-all book, “Crisis of Character.”


Media Matters and David Brock had referred to Byrne at the time as a “smear merchant,” and he responded during an interview with Breitbart’s Alex Marlow, “Everything in the book is true. I want to set the record straight. And since I can’t get on mainstream media to set the record straight, I’m going to have to do it in court.”