Anonymous ID: a36e33 June 21, 2018, 10:35 a.m. No.1848809   🗄️.is 🔗kun


When will you stop trying to copy Patriots and know that we know?

When will you realize your liddle schizo faggotry has FAILED.


(((JIDF))), your mossad has FAILED.


You lose, WE WIN


>The light will reveal those on the team and those pretending to be.

>This is not a game.

>They want us divided.


Your kind are ALWAYS the first to twist Q words around to suit your racial/religious agenda.


Do we see a single other (((shill))) entity shilling away for a particular race/religion on this board?


(((who))) is shilling away here and calling healthy minded, strong and soverign western people and Patriots 'skinheads' 'muhjooshills' or 'muhhate'?




(((MSM))) glowing.


You dare try to tell us what we can and cannot do in OUR interest against scum sucking faggot liar like you?


WE are the only soverigns on our nations.


Not your agenda.


Not your racial bullshit.


Not your constant (((shilling))) that's been caught 9340726734022 times on this board along with your ms-13 tier pets.


We are taking our country back, and there's NOTHING you can do about it.


We will BREAK you and your lies, shill. Tell your whore jew sluts to shave their pussies.