not this again . . .
famefagging with anime personas is good maybe once a month, twice a month.
any more than that it's emotional abuse of the anons.
you did it last bread, do you have to do it again this bread.
I get it, you want to be all 'why U hate me'
but the fact is you do it to be manipulative.
if you loved the anon you'd shed that and just post non-emotional images that aren't of girls with oversized eyes that lead to the horror of the . . . which always shows up when this happens.
enough. You did it Thursday and Friday, cut it out.
give us a break.
no, the anime in too abundant a quanity and the spurging of 'why U hate me' with a constant conflict shilling by you and others
is annoying and emotionally abuseive and shows the rest of us
that you don't really wuv us at all, but just like to play the role of victim and conflict monger.
prove you're really anon and care about Q by cutting down on it.
the anime you post isn't of any value.
it's manipulative and hypnotic and emotional abuse
of all the rest of us.
so please stop.
and it shows us all
what you really think of us
when you can't love us enough
to cut it out once you've made your point.
I loved Kimba, and I used to enjoy Japanese cartoons as a kid.
and I don't care that you're here but
you gotta cut out this anime bullshit spamming of little girl faces.
grow the fuck up.
and nonsensical accusations like that don't help either.
It's not funny. I never post that what you said.
How dare you!
no problem baking but they do it with a sharp knife of ridicule and hate.
they hate us, and they post what they think we hate.
maybe there should have a rule that bakers
can only post a dough image
and that would be the only image that they can post.
or a rule that they can only bake, and not harass the other anon who post.
it's a psyop.
they are just simulated.
there you go, trying to exclude peole who you disagree with.
that's not a very anon-thing to be, fake-anon
I think to the future, how small changes can make it better.
what do you do?
harass the other posters, act like a know it all, say vile things in response when you don't agree with people.
there are some of us who have monitored the board since the beginning and have notes.
we aren't journalists but we have copious archives and long memories.
PS: you give away your content when you post it here anonymously and they can quote whatever they want to quote because it's already in the public domain.
make it stop . . . make it stop anon!
end humor
my point is that if there are any real people on the other end of that meme-archive
that they realize that we aren't here as their punching bags.
one of the proofs that they are a psyop, and not real humans with souls, is that they never learn and have no compassion, all they do is try to find a weak spot and keep hitting at it.
of course it can't hurt us when we are in a rested state of mind.
but it sure does drive people away, and it does cause revulsion.
as I said, it isn't the anime, it's the spurging and spamming.
they don't show the anon any respect.
that certainly is a strange thing to say by the Kimbel clown
I never understood crypto.
it always seemed like a scam
running those nvidia cards at full speed is very bad for the environment, it wastes a lot of energy.
so is it not hypocritical that the crypto exchanges are usually run by greeniacs?
does anyone have any information or a pdf on crypto and what they are actually doing when they find a 'coin'?
is it finding a prime number?
what are they actually 'mining'?
does quantum computing negate it's 'rarity' and eliminate it's value?
and since anyone who would actually have developed quantum computing would probably do it secretly, and already have it, doesn't that negate the value of all crypto and make it a fool's purchase?
I ask that rhetorically.
I remember hearing that in Venezula the government was not metering the use of electricity and that crypto mining became a big drain on their power grid.
see, it's not hard to restrain yourself from spurging.
you should remember why you did and continue.
I'm not your enemy, and I appreciate that you took the message to tone it down seriously.
watering California.
the places that would be rivers if it weren't a desert are suddenly rivers again, and the people who were foolish enough to buy land without looking at a hydrology map are in a bit of a flood right now in some spots.
go to the high ground.
PS: rivers look like that everywhere at a melt no matter where, when the Winter ends and the ice all collapses. People don't build close to rivers or streams or rills for that reason.
in California they don't seem to care. They build in the wash.
the heavy flooding in Cali is great in the long term
all kinds of gold will wash out and into the pots in the rivers.
peole will get rich in Placerville suddenly.
Tourism will kick up when the hills are all green after the floods recede.
it will be magical.
sucks to be there right now though.
how could they be so stupid to discuss that stuff out loud?
I'm calling bullshit on this, but I might be wrong.
I know she's a twit, and a bit of a creep, but I just can't see her issuing a 'shoot to kill' order.
plus people in power never issue that kind of order.
they put the idea out there so there is plausible deniability later.
like Queen Elizebeth the first did to her sister. She never said to go kill the woman, but she just expressed how it would be good if she were dead.
Nancy is a lot of things, but I don't see her as a killer.