Anonymous ID: 50fab1 June 21, 2018, 11:47 a.m. No.1849615   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>9769


your shilling has no negative impact here. It only shows the desperation and low wage they pay you. Go upstairs and give your mom a hug and ask yourself if you are doing the right thing with your life. Have a cookie on us. The future is bright. Come onto the winning side before it's too late.

Anonymous ID: 50fab1 June 21, 2018, 12:17 p.m. No.1849982   🗄️.is đź”—kun


Some low wage dipshit millennial hipster "journalist" scanned 4chan or 8chan for 20 min to see what Qanon was about and touts their opinion as "informed" and doesn't even know Q exists because of and in concert with Potus.


Typical reactions…I talked to a friend of a friend last week and asked if they followed Q and her answer was "I heard that's like a Larp or something". Most people get information third handed or worse.


I've been watching some vids on that Theraonos scam with Elizabeth Holmes. I don't watch the news, so I only heard about it here. Looking back a few years …CNN, CNBC etc were either totally stupid or IN ON IT.


Just can't trust someone who's not fully involved in something. They're just doing a job writing a piece for clicks about a subject they might not really be interested in. In the end 99% of anything on the internet is a product to sell you something (or push advertising to you)…TV too. Print media too.


I remember getting hooked on Shark Tank (looking for inspiration really) and coming to the realization it's a glorified one hour infomercial. Infotainment