Anonymous ID: a29480 June 21, 2018, 11:51 a.m. No.1849656   🗄️.is 🔗kun

How the F did HRC (plus others) become so corrupt? How does compromise begin? By compromise, I mean comp'd, the state of being compromised in some way that invites corruption of character. You don't have to look very far for the answers. Most if not all of us have had to face compromised situations and choices. I can't say I passed every single one of those tests of character, but I do have some very clear memories of when I said no to compromise at an early age.


Age 11 I lived in a new cul de sac neighborhood where most of the families were financially sound. Up on the main road is where you found the older homes that were built by coal miners, steel workers and farmers from generations past. Most of those homes were not in very good shape. One nearest our street was especially ratty, with it's roof shingle siding and junk cars parked in the yard. A boy three years older than me lived there. He was in the class ahead of me, but had been held back twice because of poor grade performance.


He was a really good looking kid, fit and athletic, but had a reputation for getting in "trouble." He was also the first boy I knew to join a rock band as the lead singer. One day he was hanging around our neighborhood and began showing off his martial arts moves. He made it sound as if he was a skilled judo fighter. I wanted to learn how to do that, too, so he offered to give me lessons for money. We agreed on a price for a lesson, which was my weekly allowance at the time.


The next weekend we met across the street inside a new home that was under construction. He showed me a few things, and when it came time to pay him, he said I didn't have to pay him if I would do something for him in exchange. He wanted me to let him put his dick in my mouth. He used words to the effect that "It really isn't as gross as it sounds, and it will feel really good to me." At that age, having never been confronted with such a situation, I remember my first impression being it was a very strange thing to ask me, and didn't seem like anything I would want to do for anyone. I was still a child, with puberty just around the corner, and clueless about sex urges. My first matter of fact instinct was to say no, and that's what I told him. He shrugged it off, I paid him, and that was the last Judo lesson from him. In fact, I don't recall ever talking with him again.


Now, what if I had said yes, reasoning that I would be saving a week's allowance? What if he had been more intimidating, or inviting with his offer? Once you agree to do that, he then has that power and control over you, to use in any number of ways. "You will do this (more sexual favors, something shady, or hush money payments) for me, or I will tell everyone you suck dick." That's where and how it all begins.


Not restricted to the innocent years, the offers and lure of compromise continues through the years. what shortcuts are you willing to take? What would you do, what sketchy situation and shady characters will you allow yourself to get involved with if it furthers your plans and dreams? What are you willing to overlook in others?


This is a very old story.