Anonymous ID: b7a0e2 June 21, 2018, 11:22 a.m. No.1849321   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9361 >>9384 >>9783

>I wonder (((who))) started telling white women that pregnancy and children are burdens and that their careers as cubicle rats are what really matter.


If you had dug deeply when Q dropped crumbs about

As The World Turns

You would have found that the soap operas are heavily infiltrated

By the Illuminati

And they teach warped and perverted values

Most of their viewers are women

So it should be obvious

Where American women got their warped and perverted ideas

Of how a woman should live her life


Most TV and film are like that

Men are affected too

Whenever you have a knee-jerk reaction to something

You are probably working for the Illuminati

Who have been training you your whole life

Rehearsing scenarios again and again


If you haven't consciously worked against that programming

Then your gut feel and knee-jerk reactions are COMPED

You are the enemy

Be a friend to yourself and slow down, think, reason it out logically

Special forces train intensely over and over again

Learning how to do things so well that it becomes automatic

To do the right thing

Until you have gone through similar intense training


Then you need to choose your actions carefully

Use logic

Take your time

Do not rush in

Because only fools rush in where angels fear to tread

So make sure to pray before you act


Is good advice for every one of us

Anonymous ID: b7a0e2 June 21, 2018, 11:25 a.m. No.1849347   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9555



Just this morning I was thinking

That the USA should invade Mexico

And cross the Rio Grande

Siezing the entire southern bank

Razing any structures to the ground

Pushing any inhabitants further south

And building the wall there,

On the south side of the river

But a bigger invasion would be OK too.

Anonymous ID: b7a0e2 June 21, 2018, 11:46 a.m. No.1849594   🗄️.is 🔗kun



No that doesn't work

You still have the knee jerk reactions

That are wrong

That make you fuck yourself

You need to stop

You need to think

You need to use logic

You need to reason your way through a problem

And you need to always ALWAYS question the knee jerk reaction

Because it is almost always the wrong thing to do

So the first thing to do is recognize that you are having a knee jerk reaction

Next, ask yourself, is this really the right thing to do

Then, if you think yes, go ahead and do it

But afterward, analyze

Did you make a mistake

Are you rejecting the knee jerk reaction most of the time

Or is it sucking you in too much

And making you do dumb things?

Anonymous ID: b7a0e2 June 21, 2018, 11:48 a.m. No.1849626   🗄️.is 🔗kun



We need a new generation of INDEPENDENT filmmakers

Of independent screenwriters

People can start working on this today

Because anyone can afford the technology to get started on this

If we want to get rid of Hollywood pedophiles permanently

We need to outcompete them in the entertainment market

Independent filmmakers could do this

If patriots support them