I love how this meme is exposing anti-white clowns like you. You just can't help yourself.
So why are you being so anti-PoL and divisive? Acknowledging the double standard isn't hard. Counter-signaling the truth just makes you look like a faggot shill.
Just as retarded as "People of Color," right, retard?
Bravo! Thank you for acknowledging the double-standard!
So why are you so hostile and aggressive? Mom and dad not give you any love? You're not really preaching unity with that attitude, mr.
the number of shitty useless posts (now 28) you have in this bread suggests projection.
I don't see why not, it's a message of peace, love, and unity. checked btw
Just look at all your replies, of course it's working, exposing the hypocrisy one meme at a time.
lol look another punch-a-nazi sjw butthurt faggot.