I saw the list of Q questions in the last thread. Some are good questions, but we need to be way more narrow. Absolutely no why questions. Why questions are children's questions for the most part and would take too long to answer. We should stick mostly to when questions. Questions of timing, also any questions. What specifically Q wants us to do. The flat earth, Chemtrails bullshit can go as well. You fucking retarded dipshits should neck yourselves for bothering q with that shit. Muh, is the earth flat? Muh why do we need a space force? Muh, fucking idiot.
Funny. With all the shit going on, you think it matters what shape the fucking earth is. Get over it, or try to prove your point elsewhere. This isn't the flat fucking earth thread you dumb shit.
Wait somewhere else dumb cunt. This is not the flat earth board.
It is not relevant to the killing off the cabal. The shape the earth doesn't matter. At this time at any rate. So go finger yourself in another thread about muh flat earth.
Goddamn you are a fucking idiot kid. Muh flat earth faggot. Prove it. Build a rocket, get some pics, smash into your dome. Noone or veryfew, care about this right now. There are more important things going on.
If Q tells u its flat? If Q tells you its a globe? You wont believe Q if he says its a globe, so dont bother wasting time on it. Do your own research and stop wasting everyone's time on shit that can't be solved right now. Dumb fucking useless kids. Muh flat earth.
You are still here. Neck yourself.
Round them up then, if u have the proof
You have no idea what I think about flat earth dumb fuck. I said it is not important in the Q context. He will he will not adress it directly and you know it. Don't waste any time on it here is all I said.
How many times have you FE faggots asked Q about it? And how many times has he even hinted at it? Why is this relevant? Ok, now shut the fuck up idiots. We will figure it out after.
It is most important to YOU. Not to this mission, or the Q plan. Figure it out later moron