Anonymous ID: 97d793 March 14, 2023, 12:26 p.m. No.18507061   🗄️.is 🔗kun



It appears you are discussing various economic and political concepts and events in a poetic and metaphorical manner. Let's break down some of the terms and their significance:


Silent Thieves: This could be a metaphorical reference to the hidden forces or entities that take away wealth or purchasing power from individuals, often without them realizing it. Inflation, taxation, and monetary manipulation could be considered "silent thieves."


Inflation: Inflation is the rate at which the general level of prices for goods and services in an economy is increasing over time. It leads to a decrease in the purchasing power of money, meaning the same amount of money can buy fewer goods and services as time goes by.


Monetary manipulation: This refers to the actions of central banks or other authorities that influence the money supply and interest rates to achieve specific economic goals, such as controlling inflation or promoting economic growth. These actions can sometimes have unintended consequences and may harm certain groups of people.


Taxation without representation: This phrase originated in the American Revolution and was used to protest the British government's practice of taxing American colonists without giving them any voice in the government. Today, it can be used metaphorically to describe situations where people are taxed without having any say in how their tax money is spent.


1913: This year is significant in the context of U.S. monetary history because it marks the establishment of the Federal Reserve System. The Federal Reserve is the central banking system of the United States, responsible for setting monetary policy and regulating the money supply. Some critics argue that the Federal Reserve's actions can lead to economic instability, inflation, and wealth inequality.


The phrases "Bubble. Crash. Steal. Lie. Repeat." could be referring to the cycle of economic booms and busts, often fueled by speculative bubbles, which can result in wealth being transferred from one group to another.


The overall tone of your text seems to express frustration with the perceived injustices and inequities in the financial system, calling for an end to these "endless" cycles and manipulations.