This cannot be undone without ethnic nationalism. White identity is the only hope for America.
Can we go another 751 posts without a single rebuttal?
Truth is self evident. How about you try to think it through. How can any country by united with 20 point IQ gap between ethnic groups?
No it absolutely IS. Proven by science repeatedly.
>science is wrong
>trust muh feels
>I personally thing
>no citations
>ignore thousands of years of breeding animals proving the importance of hereditary intelligence
>hurr-durr doxens are are smart as boarder collies
you're pathetic
I'm wealthy, well educated, and been at this far longer than you've been awake boomer. Catch up.
Kek blesses PoL. What the fuck do you think you're doing here?
Prove it. Oh, you can't. Because the FF were right and ethnic unity is the only way to have a united nation.
>85% of genetic variation is shared between races
>hur-durr race isn't real
<humans and chimps also share 98% of their genetic code
<I guess human beings aren't real
15% difference is a huge difference when it comes to genetics, that's millions of genes. 500 genes account for almost all of human intelligence.
>sliding the main thread
you don't know how this works do you?
>history speaks for itself
feel free to show one country empowered by diversityโฆ. any one. I'm waiting.
A species adapted to its enviroment IS SUPERIOR in its adapted enviroment. Civilization is white enviroment.
enjoy being a mud person ruled by jews
Re-evaluate where you are and how you got here. /pol/ memed you into existance. Now you're in the swamp are your minds are ours.