gonna share this weird dream
Anon dreamt that there was a terrorist attack by 3 transgenders with machine guns.
Cannot figure out what country and why but just that this was something that anon had not seen in any movie, show or projection.
Definitely a triggered event controlled by some sort of remote suggestion on this group and it was somehow used towards taking away guns
Again, not sure it was in the usa and none of the narratives fit this for any cause.
Real victims were lying around bleeding.
lead shooter was wearing red.
hopefully it just stuff playing on anons mind.
not one for prophesy or predicting the future.
just a strange weird and disturbing dream.
anon is so old
there was no interent or mobile phones when anon was growing up free .
This shit is here from here on the interweb limited hangout is cos this place is the only place anons can join forces to take on the fake news media.
only hopium of trump going full Geotus remains cos all else anon does will have no effect to the globalist gay club of the W.E.F to destroy all froms of unity anywhere.
Still anon is happy to be here with anons and has to just block out the attentions seeking faggots here.
So not new.
The shills always lose, anons are resolute and see through this distraction bread gobbling fedboi shill faggot tactics.
Anons work on many plains.
Gen x, the last hope for the retarded generations.
sometimes anon wonders if it is even worth saving.
but they attack the kids so we must stand in between.
if it was just western women. anon would have left them to it, the ungrateful fucking retards who have infiltrated and fucked everything up.
Fuck desperate dried up old hags with seething syndrome cos no one gives them any attention.
fucking gay shift is so retarded.
confirmation dubs chek'ed