I must have watched the Thomas/Hill hearings so many times I can almost recite the script. Believe Clarence was a sacrifice that George Herbert Walker Bush (what father in his right mind would name his first son with the full name of his wife's father? Yep, George Herbert Walker was the father of what's her name). It was set up for Clarence Thomas to fail. BUT SOMETHING HAPPENED, SOMETHING DIFFERENT, SOMETHING THE MACHINE DIDN'T SEE.
They tried to sacrifice a MAN OF GOD (Not my words, the words of the founding Dean of the Law School at Oral Roberts who hired Anita Hill). Clarence never looked back, never checked with the White House, he did what a Man of God always does, he took his stand.
Those hearings are very interesting. Recommend that real anons check them out. Thomas, 2 hearing. Parts 1, 2, and 3. Before Joe Biden, the Chairman of the Senate Judicial Committee in 1991.