Anonymous ID: bb9c4d March 14, 2023, 7:26 p.m. No.18509435   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9633

About Me

Alexander Light December 7, 2010


I am a Free human being!

In this life I am a man, and I received the name Alexander.

Because I am Free, I have the gift of choice: I choose to love all human beings because they are all my family. You are my family!


I choose to love all animals and plants because together we share the same land, the same light, the same water and the same air. Together we share Earth, this amazing Planet that we call Home!

The world we live in today is ill, and we are the only ones who can heal it. I personally don’t know how, but I will keep searching for the answer until the day my body will die.

In this life my hopes are high, because this age is different than any other before. We are awakening all over the planet and the truths are finally spoken without fear.


I came in this world that I can’t understand, forced to follow rules I don’t agree with, constrained to fit a pattern that was built not for us, but against us. Against you, my family.

But I am not hateful, upset, or even sad. Because nothing is lost. I have you, and together we can change the world. I really do believe this is possible!


Galactic Activation Portal Day: These are special inter-dimensional days and anyone born on such a day is likely to play an important part in Universalizing some form of teaching, art form or music i.e. the Beatles were all born on GAP days and so was Mozart.


Red Eastern Castle of Turning – Court of birth, power of entering

Red Root Race – The initiators. Key note: birth

Earth family: Red Dragon, White World Bridger, Blue Monkey, Yellow Warrior

Cardinal Kin – Establish the genesis

Throat transmit

Fire Clan – Yellow Chromatic

Tone: 1, Note: C, Name: Magnetic, Function: Unity


You were born in the Wavespell of Red Dragon in the Year Blue Storm

Red Dragon – Nurtures Birth *

When operating in the light of your energy, the positive aspects are: Primordial Mother, Original Source, Receptive, Protective, Initiating, Supportive, Strong Creative Force. Nurturing

When operating in the shadow of your energy, typical symptoms are: Self Hatred, Feelings of unworthiness. Lack of trust in life.


To come out of the shadow: Follow your heart’s calling and trust the hand of life to provide your needs. Trust your steering mechanism of Heart-Knowing. Open to receive, Share your feelings, desires and dreams.


What is your religion, Alexander?

I have been asked this question many times. I was born a Christian, but I have no religion — though I am a spiritual person. I would never knowingly harm another human being or any living creature on Earth. I am, hopefully, becoming a better human being with each passing day.


I am bringing my small contribution to the human species almost every single day, knowing that only together we will achieve a positive future for mankind and for our beautiful planet.


Mostly, I am following my path towards the purest spirituality and, hopefully, I will be able to achieve it someday. I don’t have leaders and I don’t want to become one. I am not following anyone and I don’t want to be followed myself.


You can achieve your highest good and the highest good of others by finding your true path. Follow your heart and you will walk it by tomorrow.

I wish you all Light, Love, Peace, Happiness and Wisdom!

Anonymous ID: bb9c4d March 14, 2023, 7:29 p.m. No.18509463   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9466 >>9704

What is happening?

Alexander Light December 7, 2010


I received many messages from you, regarding your friends and families. Every time you try to speak the truth, they seem either uninterested or they attack you with ridicule. You don’t have to worry or get angry of anything! What is happening to you is a classic example. The same happens to me and too all other truth seekers and light workers. We are the “fore runners”, and our mission is to open the roads for them. The people are too scared to accept the truth and this is how they defend themselves: by ridiculing something obvious, by laughing of the truth. No matter how many proofs you will have, they will never believe anything if they are not ready or if it’s not in their mission to believe.


But it’s not your mission to awaken those who don’t want to be awakened. Tell the truth and let them decide for themselves. We can’t brake anyone’s “free will”. The free will is a characteristic of our Universe, one of the laws. Other Universes don’t have it; every Creation is special, every school is different. That’s why nobody can interfere with your destiny. You must chose your path, nobody can brake your free will without personal consequences. And that’s why we need spiritual awakening: to understand our golden path, to know how to ask for above guidance. If you ask for help or guidance, and you do it with love, you will always receive it. Asking for help is understanding the free will law; understanding that you must ask, in order to receive. Your free will is always respected, nobody will help you if you don’t ask or want the help.


David Icke spoke for the first time about awakening in 1989 on a national television channel in UK and he was met with so much ridicule that we can’t even imagine! For almost 3 years he could not even walk on the streets, he couldn’t leave home. His children were ridiculed in school, and in comedy shows the comedians only had to mention his name for the people to burst into laughter. But he prevailed, now he is loved all over the planet and his public believes the truth he is telling. There are still some reticent to the extraterrestrial reptilians subject, but he doesn’t care. He keeps telling the truth and people will have to accept it eventually.


We also have another mission, dear light workers. We have to balance our bodies in order for us to be able to integrate the new energy that is being sent to us, gradually.


Because our energetic bodies act literally like antennas for the cosmic energy. We are constantly in contact to others and to the Universe, and we will have to be able to integrate the new energy in order to spread it to others when the time comes. Please stay always loving and balanced. Always search for the truth and meditate every day. Accept the new energy and rise your vibration. The new energy is sent to all of us and those who will accept it will join us and our mission. You’ll see new people accepting the truth every day, this is a process. Year 2012 will be the end of this cycle and the beginning of the new one.


Imagine, even the corrupted astronomers admit that they have no idea why everything is changing and why the changes are so obvious everywhere:


  1. Our planet is changing (is getting bigger in volume and is preparing to shift axes;

  2. The magnetic field is changing, we will even experience zero magnetism, etc.);

  3. There are changes in our solar system (all planets experience changes including the Sun, our wonderful life giving Star);

  4. Our young Galaxy is changing (remember the huge energy bubbles generated by its core?), the entire Universe is in a changing process.

But we are not alone. We are assisted by many different forms of creation, and after 2012 we will meet them.Only then we will be able to understand what it really means to be a human being.

(6-8 Earth size UFOs + 2 UFOs 10x bigger than Earth, in the Sun’s Corona)

Anonymous ID: bb9c4d March 14, 2023, 7:30 p.m. No.18509466   🗄️.is 🔗kun



David, the child from Inua, said that he sees us after the vibrational leap. He sees us walking on the streets and we are all connected, we are all brothers and sisters. We are all happy. Those who will be here after 2012 already know it, they have already chosen their path even if they don’t realize it. There’s no more time to stay in the shadows, we had millions of years to chose our path. The time is now, the Creation chose this moment, our time has finally arrived.


There are very advanced species in our Universe, who passed the karmic law long time ago and they were witnesses to Earth’s creation. The emotion was so profound, the amount of love involved in this creation was so deep that they choose to come and incarnate on Earth, even if this meant to start all over again, to be “trapped” in the cause-effect cycle. They willingly renounced their personal progress and hard work achievements, only to come here…on this blue dot.


Also, very spiritually advanced beings received the possibility to incarnate on Earth in this period of time. They pass beside us on the street, and we don’t know it…they don’t know it! They were allowed to come back to Earth and incarnate in order to help us and our planet in this process. Their presence is of great help, because they have a very high vibration. They are able to integrate the new energy and pass it to the others with ease.


In 2012 we will know who we are. By 2013 Earth and the new human specie will be both stabilized for good.


To be continued…

Anonymous ID: bb9c4d March 14, 2023, 7:52 p.m. No.18509644   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9653

When you really dig in and yet the deepest thing you find was the "Illuminati" yet you really never dug into the "Illuminati"!

You would know that the founder was the ONLY non Jesuit at a Jesuit run institution.

You would know that the "Illuminati" surely appears to have failed it's mission and that mission surely appears to have been to infiltrate Free Masonry.

You would know the name Johann Adam Weishaupt.

You would also see just how deep this rabbit really goes and how much effort goes into reinforcing the lie.


You might also begin to ask questions such as:

Who would want Free Masonry infiltrated?

Was Weishaupt really a Catholic Jesuit?

What founding fathers were predominantly Free Masons at that time?


Anonymous ID: bb9c4d March 14, 2023, 7:59 p.m. No.18509688   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9694


>>>18507972 How the Zionists (Illuminati) Funded Both Sides of World War 2 — Hitler and Churchill Were Pawns

>>18507972 How the Zionists (Illuminati) Funded Both Sides of World War 2 — Hitler and Churchill Were Pawns


How the Zionists (Illuminati) Funded Both Sides of World War 2 — Hitler and Churchill Were Pawns

Alexander LightAugust 28, 2018


Most of our political leaders are sponsored by the Illuminati Jewish central banking syndicate. Their pundits and professors put lipstick on these pigs.


by Henry Makow Ph.D.



Henry fucking MADKOW!


What this tells this Anon is:

Faker is dumbAF OR like HENRY…A NEO NAZI 1488 POS


The West Belongs to People of European Descent

March 9, 2023



We are in a race war. It is not between whites and coloureds. The "war" is actually an insidious campaign by Organized Jewry,

an arm of the Rothschild banking cartel, to use immigrants to displace people of European descent and erase their heritage. It's about time we recognized that the "hate" is all coming from the bankers and their Freemason shills. It's time we called "globalists" what they are, communist traitors.


"Our country is our home. This is like a home invader accusing you of being a "supremacist" because you don't want to hand over the keys. Later, homeless, you discover that the invader had been working for your banker who foreclosed on your home. "


from July 19, 2019

by Henry Makow PhD


I confess that I was pleased that Trump told "the squad" that if they think America is so bad, they can leave.


I am not the only one. Trump's support among Republicans rose 5%.


I also welcomed the chant, "Send her back" at the rally in North Carolina.


Under fire, Trump was forced to walk back this sentiment but it truly expressed how the majority of white Americans feel.


Of course, the squad trotted out accusations of "racism." Why not? Crying "antisemite" has always worked for their Jewish sponsors.


But no one is buying it. What does condoning and promoting terrorist violence against the federal government and Trump supporters have to do with race? Ayanna Pressley encouraged her followers to "bring the fire"; one attacked an ICE facility with an automatic weapon and was killed.


As with Organized Jewry, it's their behavior which defines them, not their race.


Then, they trot out "white supremacy."


Why don't we hear about Jewish Supremacy? That's what this is really all about. Why don't we ever hear about Chinese Supremacy in China or Indian Supremacy in India?



(Swedish government ad)

Anonymous ID: bb9c4d March 14, 2023, 7:59 p.m. No.18509694   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Our country is our home. This is like a home invader accusing you of being a "supremacist" because you don't want to hand over the keys.


Later, homeless, you discover that the invader had been working for your banker who foreclosed on your home.


Whites represent roughly 15% of the world population. Yet they are slated for displacement. Their countries are being invaded by uneducated young men of military age. Their events are being cancelled and their supporters intimated and beaten. Their free speech is being eliminated.


Their cultural heritage is under attack. Statues are removed; schools renamed, and authors suppressed. Their values are ridiculed and dragged through the mud. They are becoming a minority in TV commercials which encourage them to intermarry. The word is genocide.


Protocols of the Elders of Zion–16: "We must introduce into their education all those principles which have so brilliantly broken up their order."


Berkeley is banning the use of gendered terms like "manhole" and "policeman."


Colorado State University has decided that the terms "America" and "American" cannot be used because they are not "inclusive."


The Masonic Jewish bankers are running ads to encourage third world migration and are funding it.


Everyone but whites is entitled to a national home. And if whites so much as stir, they are viciously shamed, in true Communist fashion.




Whites are leaderless like a headless horseman. The Masonic Jewish bankers have installed a traitor class of Freemasons who have sold out their country, religion and culture for a seat at the table. Yes, practically all politicians are traitors. (Do they tell the truth about 9-11??)



Whites are increasingly sick of being browbeaten and shamed into deferring to privileged minorities. It's another Jewish banker scam to elect more of their agents, disenfranchise whites and dismantle the nation.


The West has always welcomed minorities. As a Jew, I am one of them. But we were expected to contribute to the country and respect its values. When you welcome someone into your home, you don't expect them to invite strangers, trash the place, and put you on the street. This is the banker's plan.


I appreciate that the majority of immigrants just want to better themselves. They don't want to be used for political purposes. Even better, they would rather stay in their own countries. Our efforts should be directed to helping them thrive at home.


The average Jew wants to assimilate. But the Cabalist leadership hates whites and many opportunistic Jews adopt this view.


Why do religious Jews hate whites? Why do you rob a bank? That's where the money is.



(Notre Dame represents Christian values. It was burned for this reason.)


Whites also have a sense of economic and political entitlement that must be destroyed. They carry the residue of Christian values: a belief in country and individual freedom, a belief in God and a Moral Order, a belief in right and wrong, true and false; a belief in the fellowship of mankind, family as the red blood cell of society, a belief that people should be rewarded according to their ability and effort. We believe that man was created in the image of God and should express His perfection by behaving with dignity. We share these common values; if they weren't important, the bankers wouldn't try to destroy them.


The Illuminati banker is taking away our freedom of expression. They claim "populists" threaten democracy when it is globalism that transfers power from elected representatives to international bureaucrats. This enslavement is Communism.

Communism is Satanism. The social insanity we are experiencing is satanic possession. Gaslighting and making us crazy are part of it.


They are transferring ultimate authority from God to psychopaths and perverts. I can't overstate the seriousness of the crisis we face.


Religious Jews believe the world belongs to them alone. "God's Chosen People" are the only people. The goyim are animals born to serve them. Their paradise will rise like a phoenix on the ashes of Western civilization.


It's time we stopped cringing before their "racist" voodoo, stopped deferring to their creatures of diversity, and told the white traitors and dupes who support the invaders, that while ethnic minorities are welcome, the West belongs to people of European descent.



Related - "Squad" criticized for "antisemitism." Nationalist and Jewish interests conflated. You can't be a nationalist unless under Zionist auspices.

Makow - Can a Jew Identify With Whites?

---- Mental Prisoners of a Death Cult

---– Prescriptive Programming: Colored People Have Been Give Jew Status



Anonymous ID: bb9c4d March 14, 2023, 8:15 p.m. No.18509805   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9821



baker breaker

its all guud

you know its guud

we cannot even say God anymore its just GUD now



Got your 6 until they beat your 12 blue and then anon is getting the fuck outta here!