Hi, guys. Anon recovering from PTSD here. I wanted to throw out a random PTSD relavent question, shot in the dark if you will. Lived with PTSD for 33 years, incident happened in 1st grade as I began learning about the world. PTSD locked me in a state of traumatized-hyper-learning (Traumatized while in that state of mind) my whole life. Now that on the recovery side, I still have that hyper-learning quirk and it's becoming a problem. I never learned how to process this information any further because my brain has been trying to survive my traumatic event needlessly for 33 years. I only know how to think in a learned manner. I can't process what I've learned and communicate anything to anyone sufficient to work in a team based environment. Assuming this is because I couldn't pay attention for the remainder of my school years, what cirriculum would I have had to miss from just about any grade that would otherwise help me be able to use English to communicate my thoughts properly to others?