Based on your replies so far, still none. Sad!
I've flown out of 2 major US airports in the past month and noticed neither of them were doing the naked body scans/intense patdowns. All passengers walked past a security dog then through the metal detectors. Fast moving line, just as effective (if not more) as the body scanners, and no health risks. I'm not sure if this is a new precedent going forward, but I was pleasantly surprised to find it at 2 separate major airports.
Smart. Don't use your kids as meat shields for when you commit crimes!
The ideals enshrined in the Constitution are largely European and will not survive if this country becomes majority non-white. Yes, there CAN be patriotic blacks, Indians, Hispanics, etc, but most do not respect limited government, freedom, rising and falling on your own merits, etc.
The one time I went through the body scanner I had an intense headache for the rest of the day. Since then I've always asked for the pat-down and, to be fair, the TSA staff who perform them have largely been friendly and professional.
The TSA agents do (or, at least, SHOULD) offer you the opportunity to have the patdown done in a private space.
I should say, the molestation stories seem to be more among female passengers, probably because of the powertripping minority women who conduct the patdowns.