you faggots all worship a nomadic desert people's myth lore so you're all fucking retarded
>one post
yea, just got here as i actually do shit outside of this normalfaggot board unlike you since you fucking live here all day every day
not tugging on any noose either and no matter how much you push a cult like religion, because that's what it is, i will never bend the knee
the only reason you fuckers keep pushing that cult is because it's a multi-trillion dollar global enterprise that is steadily indoctrinated into everyone
no, u
this shit is hardly worth lurking anymore
i could go to like 5 people's twatter and gateway pundit to see everything that's posted here these days
that's also why djt keeps referring to his fake lawsuits like stormy as witch hunts that some of you fuckers can't seem to comprehend because it's all fake and madeup bullshit
yes, you fuckers, as in you bible thumpers who believe a 2,000 year old fairy tale is real
there is undoubtedly group think here
another gay larp by the same nomadic sandniggers who came up with the other one