May (((Krauthammer))) suffer eternally in hell for the (((neocon))) terrors he pushed for so many years. Every day one of those evil fucks kicks the bucket is one to celebrate.
He constantly shilled for jewish wars in the middle east. A million dead Iraqis is absolutely some satanic shit. KYS faggot.
Looking forward to the following deaths, or at least convictions for war crimes:
Paul Wolfowitz
Richard Perle
Douglas Feith
Michael Ledeen
Scooter Libby
Stephen Bryen
David Frum
Robert Kagan
David Wurmser
Dov Zakheim
Henry Kissenger
John Podhoretz
Norman Podhoretz
Elliot Abrams
Frederick Kagan
Donald Kagan
Alan Dershowtiz
Eliot Cohen
Bill Kristol
Max Boot
and all the other PNAC garbage that sent our young American men to fight Israel's wars for them. If any of you can't see the common theme in these names you are hopeless.
Alex is a gatekeeping zionist stooge. Anyone saying otherwise has their head up their ass.
still not realizing why Q came here and not your retarded boomer facebook group or plebbit sub?
no, faggot. this is 8ch. stop trying to turn it into reddit.
well it's pol now, so maybe you should leave instead of crying about your feelings every bread.
>should be called out
Trying to tone police a free speech board is a sign of mental illness. You truly don't belong.
The amount of shabbos mormons in the is too damn high. I suspect this is the reason justice has been delayed for so longโฆpossibly indefinitely.
Yep, way to see through the bullshit.
Tucker used to shill for the Neocons too. I suspect he and Hannity are (((playing both sides))) for as long as they can. I do appreciate them dropping the little red pills now and then, but ultimately no one on that outlet can be trusted.