(((JEW))) love to make the Goyim even more easy to control
Just because someone calls themselves a priest doesn't truly make them one. What's with the low IQ (((shills))) in here tonight.
I think the left should all have a meme tattoo saying fuck trump. So that when it turns out he is not the bad guy, they will all kill themselves lol.
Luckily have not come across / seen any of that being posted since being here when this all first started. Maybe I am just blind or lucky lol
Is it possible that Liberals, shills, clowns etc. Have a place they are going similar to 8ch Qresearch, but they have a similar intel giver like we have Q.
I know, but sometimes when you see things like TeamAvadcado it makes you wonder. I am just being paranoid though.
Ok thanks for heads up, but yeah like I say, I do wonder if there is a Q out there (not Q himself) but a rouge intel giver or organiser like Q for liberals etc.
Oh no I don't mean telling the truth, I mean how Q speaks to us, but the exact opposite in information. Making liberals think Trump is kidnapping children.