Anonymous ID: 02758a June 21, 2018, 4:45 p.m. No.1853472   🗄️.is đź”—kun

pardon the repost/ was late in bread.


a couple of thoughts from recent travels given what we know


on a recent trip out of virginia over the Chesapeake bay bridge tunnel, I noticed a high number of cargo ships sitting just at the mouth of the Chesapeake bay. this would be a great spot for shipfags to watch if we are keeping an eye out on the port of Baltimore.


also in NYC recently for work. the entire meatpacking district is tore up! all of the roads have been scraped down to nubs so much that the manhole covers are mounded up close to a foot. I wonder if tunneling is going on there. if an anon has access to the heat maps (I do not have an account) it might be interesting to map. the streets are fairly well unoccupied compared to other parts of the city. The Standard High Line has some pretty spectactularly lined up views of the new WTC and there is a gift ship in the meatpacking district which I found a little odd….a gift shop relatively far (in NYC standards) from the actual site in a super duper high rent district right next to the Chelsea piers.

Anonymous ID: 02758a June 21, 2018, 4:53 p.m. No.1853583   🗄️.is đź”—kun

while I was traveling I watched a hooktube video and noticed on my car's audio screen that the email address was redirectgoo…(the rest ran off of the screen)


have noticed this before but have not posted it.


why would hooktube be rerouting through Google? I use an iPhone with safari browser.


just FYI.


also, one item of note. I used to have the Sbux app on my phone b/c I travel for work a bunch and drink too much coffee. They are handy and everywhere. Some time back I deleted the app along with a bunch of others.


Was driving through NYC recently and stuck at a light (checking our boards) when I saw my phone switch to wifi from my cell network. It was AUTOMATICALLY connecting to the google provided wifi in Sbux. Wifi on my home screen was shut off. I double checked when I saw this happen.


So…without an app for starbucks and with my wifi turned off, the wifi (provided by goog) inside of the starbucks connected to my phone and switched it on and connected.


pretty screwed.

Anonymous ID: 02758a June 21, 2018, 5:21 p.m. No.1853988   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>3994 >>4042




so…driving today I listened to the Potus / Mick Mulvaney/ Cabinet meeting. Along with the obvious Pizza trolling, I noticed the mention of eggs and omelettes and wondered if that was code. then I recalled that older article about border children in previous administrations being forced to work on egg farms. THEN another anon posted earlier tonight the scene from the Rescuers in NZ (ref to Andy Spade) "McLeach wondered how to get Cody to reveal where Marachute's nest was. The sight of Joanna trying to eat a box of eggs gave him an idea. 'The eagle eggs. That's the boy's weak spot!' McLeach chuckled."


so WHAT"S with the EGGS?