Anonymous ID: 372560 June 21, 2018, 4:46 p.m. No.1853480   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3576 >>3801

>>1853254 (from LB conversation about whether FoxNews is controlled opposition or not...whether Hannity and Tucker are are just more powerful controlled op, or legitimate truthers)


I like Tucker in general. But until the media starts reporting no-shit truth (the truth that we Anons know), then they are all still suspect. Hell, look at A Jones; openly supports POTUS. He KNOWS Q is the real deal who expose the TRUE Truth. So, yea, these guys can keep hold of as many folks as possible, but until they start blowing peoples' minds with truth bombs (which REAL journalists would be doing) I give no validity. When Tucker or Hannity starts to say, "QAnon said xxxxxx, so we investigated and found that so-n-so is implicated in child sex trafficking," etc., then I will start giving validation. True journalists would report on the things that the average autist here on the boards is able to find and prove. Example; I found an article yesterday about the privatization of immigrant detention facilities. The article showed how after Clinton's Crime Bill in 1996, the number of "housed" immigrants has skyrocketed. Private prison companies sprang up and people make a shit load of money by detaining people. That's why we are in the detainment shitstorm we are in now. If simple, little old me can put that together in ten minutes, Tucker or Hannity can blow it WIDE open with their resources. But, that story is protected from going mainstream by /them/. I just can't trust Fox until they start blowing people away with true investigative journalism. I would LOVE to see Hannity or Tucker investigate the private prison companies and show what politicians and gov officials are tied to those companies.

Anonymous ID: 372560 June 21, 2018, 4:54 p.m. No.1853594   🗄️.is 🔗kun


He and right-winged controlled opposition also convince the entire Republican base that going to war is a good thing. The war on terror was THE biggest FF lead up to war in decades, a total show, a fake reason for war, but people like Kraut pushed it. He sat in the studio night after night (like so many others) and blatantly lied to the viewers to brainwash them into believing that war was good and necessary. Fox and its pundits are used to keep the conservative social going along with the plan and the other MSMs are used to stir up the Left Wackos on the Social Issues. Two separate operations controlled by the same group of criminals.

Anonymous ID: 372560 June 21, 2018, 5:20 p.m. No.1853968   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Anon, I think most of us have struggled with all of that. We each have to reconcile on our own. Personally, I still see plenty of evidence of a few things that I think are pre-requisites for the Truth Bombs

1) Deep State is still VERY entrenched in the system. Only the top layer has been exposed. POTUS has enemies all the way to entry-level positions in gov. He will be fighting that silent war until the end of his second term

2) Each phase and each battle requires the stage being set before POTUS announces the game to /them/. POTUS ways wins, but it is certainly not as easy as Q makes it sound

3) /they/ are not as predictable as we hope. POTUS has to contend with their constant new tactics and adjust fire


Nothing about this is easy. /they/ have owned this shit for centuries. We are going to win, but not overnight. So, I reconcile my impatience with the fact the POTUS is fighting the toughest, most entrenched enemy in all of recorded history. And once I realized that, I decided that I can wait a bit longer KEK