Anonymous ID: 7a90a8 June 21, 2018, 4:43 p.m. No.1853443   🗄️.is 🔗kun



In other words complete the British Revolution

Of 1776

When the British people

Stood up against their masters

And threw off the chains of monarchy

Unfortunately, the revolution fizzled out

After 13 colonies in North America had been liberated

Leaving the rest of British North America,

All of Van Diemen's Land

And the African colonies

Under the yoke!

Oh, and Great Britain and Ireland too.

Anonymous ID: 7a90a8 June 21, 2018, 4:55 p.m. No.1853618   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3633 >>3675



Trump told Xi

We have no intention of preventing

China and its businesses

From getting access to these REEs

We only want to see everybody

Pay Pyongyang a fair price

We want PyongYang to build roads, high-speed rail lines

Cities and factories and mines

And universities and research institutes

All over their country.


But that would cost trillions

Said Xi

Exactly said Trump

We get the minerals and pay a fair price

They build the infrastructure with our help

One Belt One Road gets a route up the coast

Through Vladivostok

Japan becomes integrated with the

Korean economy

China wins

USA wins

Russia wins

Fair trade wins.


Are you in, asked Trump?

I'd be a fool to say no, said Xi

You don't look like a fool to me, said Trump

I'm in, said Xi

Me too, said Putin over video link

Sorry I can't join you in the Forbidden city

Mr Trump, I want to shake your hand

Said Kim Jong Un, looking a bit out of place

In the sumptuous luxury of this vast Imperial Palace.


It will all be GLORIOUS my friends, said Trump

Anonymous ID: 7a90a8 June 21, 2018, 5:04 p.m. No.1853754   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Doxxing yourself in a way

This is a sign of a true autist

I used to work in auto parts

And in factories

And the people who memorized huge amounts of part numbers

Were always the smartest workers

And the people to go to when there was a problem

That needed some out of the box thinking

Like take a vice grip

And hit the gearbox hard two times

Right at that spot where the X is scratched

Anonymous ID: 7a90a8 June 21, 2018, 5:15 p.m. No.1853914   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3946



Daniel is leaving tonight

On a plane

God it looks like Daniel

Must be the clouds in my eyes

Oh Danny boy

The pipes, the pipes

Are calling

It's you, it's you

Must go

And I must bide


By the way

Anons do not take to well to preaching

The bit about all of us talking to God


Many anons say this

And even the ones who disagree

Can accept that people feel this way

But anything beyond that

Just get's people PUSHING BACK

Which means that anyone who preaches like that


and pushing people FURTHER AWAY

From God.

So best to not preach at all.

Just gentle reminders to anons

That God is within us

And they can communicate with God within

And let God do the heavy lifting

When the time is right

Because on this board

The way to bring people closer to God

Is to encourage unity

And working together

As patriots

To support Trump's plan

Everything you have been taught about preaching

Is probably wrong

Because all of the churches

Have been infiltrated by the satanic forces

To turn people away from the one true source


Anonymous ID: 7a90a8 June 21, 2018, 5:24 p.m. No.1854036   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4061 >>4075


Ever since I started following Q

Back in November

I have been getting unusual dreams

And I get tired at odd times,

And take 90 minute naps

Where I often remember dreams

And they are all about the fight

The demons

But I am NEVER, EVER afraid in them

Even though I sometimes encounter

Demonic beings

Even as I am dozing to sleep

I just pray

And there is no fear

I feel that in the dream

I am connected to a larger community

And this technology tool

Is just a manifestation

Of the dream communications

I know many of you

Because I work with you when I sleep

Anonymous ID: 7a90a8 June 21, 2018, 5:30 p.m. No.1854096   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4104



The EU can try to stifle voices

But if they can't stop people from getting guns

And raping girls

Then this law will just be empty words

Clever people will find ways to evade it

And reveal the secret formulas

After the law is implemented