Anonymous ID: 8cf1a7 June 21, 2018, 5:06 p.m. No.1853787   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3857

Okay, since some retard called me a newfag last bread, and to prove that this definitely is not a game.. I'll post about a very, very specific time months ago, anyone who was here at that time should remember it.


Months and months ago on this board we had a LOT of activity regarding /ourguys/ and them taunting each other, and I mean a lot of taunting, stringers being posted, THEY went as so far as to post in cyrillic, THEM going "ha ha ha ha" etc…


This was the time also that the FWanon(s) were most active, also. (They are still around probably, but not in the more visible way that they were back then).


A /silentone/ from NO SUCH taunted THEM back with "We know all, we hear all, we see all" and actually that was some of the last interactions I've seen directly on the board between /ourguys/ and THEM.


A lot of these exchanges were deleted, especially the ones that were in cyrillic.


Just wanted to share with you all on how serious this is, and how serious things can get, I haven't seen anything of this magnitude in months though… all I've seen on the boards now is low-grade, low-effort shilling.


Remember to keep your eyes on the lookout though, never know who is gonna post here, LdR was posting some dumbass shit way back when, Q called her out on it with "we can hear you breathing", and remember to filter the low-effort, low-grade shills and don't respond to them.