Anonymous ID: c618a9 June 21, 2018, 5:03 p.m. No.1853730   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3911 >>4084


And it's not that creepy.

I can't see hashes but I've tripped out VQChris or his "co-workers" by plucking them out of a conversation before.


That was pretty entertaining.

Totally threw 'em for a loop.


I can also identify the nerds by how they approach formulae and outputs.


I decided at one point that one of the nerds is a chick and that's how I flavor my conversations with 'em… in a "you're getting mansplained to by someone with a fucking BFA for christ's sake. Women are naturally submissive though, so I can't really blame you for needing your hand held to get you to post your findings on the board." sorta way.