Anonymous ID: 423820 June 21, 2018, 5:36 p.m. No.1854153   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4636

Maybe this will give you an idea of what border agents and services are dealing with. Compare with the protocols of Ellis Island


Allegations in 2014 about conditions in facilities:


Some Violations

• Many UAC and family units require treatment for communicable diseases, including respiratory illnesses, tuberculosis, chicken pox and scabies.


• UAC and family unit illnesses and unfamiliarity with bathroom facilities resulted in unsanitary conditions and exposure to human waste in some holding facilities. Contract cleaners and DHS employees are working to maintain sanitary conditions.


• DHS employees reported exposure to communicable diseases and becoming sick on duty.


• DHS is holding UAC longer than 72 hours because no permanent shelter is available.


Employee-to-UAC ratios are inconsistent. For example: one station had more than 25 UAC for each employee while other facilities ranged from zero to three UAC for each employee; not all facilities post copies of UAC policies in English and Spanish; and not all facilities are systematically maintaining an inventory of UAC property. According to the L.A. Times, there are currently more than 1,000 women and children remaining in the two family detention facilities—536 in Artesia and 532 in Karnes, Texas.


“Once medically cleared, residents who have a final order of removal and a valid travel document may be repatriated,” explained Leticia Zamarripa, a spokeswoman with the Department of Homeland Security.

Anonymous ID: 423820 June 21, 2018, 5:41 p.m. No.1854208   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4211



Full PDF of the case:



Case (with PACER access):

Public case:


a general idea of this lawsuit:

Gary Byrne was a Secret Service agent in the Clinton Whitehouse. He testified under oath in the


Ken Starr impeachment investigation, and claims that the Clintons now blame him for the


impeachment. In June 2016 Byrne's book "Crisis of Character" - an expose of the Clintons –


entered the market at #1 on the NYTimes bestseller list.


Brock, Media Matters, (and that publication) and others began a campaign to slander him –


accusing him of lying under oath as well as in his book. Byrne claims that Brock was a paid


surrogate of the so-called RICO "Enterprise" funded by Soros and run by the Clintons, which


includes many organizations. He publishes: “FROM THE DESK OF DAVID BROCK,”

and –

"Brock is the author of the leaked “Terminate Trump” dossier which is attached hereto as

Exhibit “A” and sets forth the plan for “nonprofit” (and supposedly nonpartisan) entities to


coordinate efforts to undermine and ultimately destroy the Trump presidency;"


He claims that in HRC's missing emails are some that concern the conspiracy against him. He


also believes Huber's investigation will uncover more such evidence. He is in fear of his life


because of the nature of it. He is asking the court to consider all these proofs (the acts to destroy


Trump and to undermine the U.S. government) as part of one and the same proof of the RICO




Starting on page 44 are over 800 points of interest, among them:

— Byrne was compelled by Independent Counsel Starr to truthfully testify, which he did,

not only to observing the violent outbursts of Hillary Clinton (against a sitting President), but


also to the per se sexual harassment of the President in having subordinates (like intern


Lewinsky) perform repeated and humiliating fellatio acts such as “edging” upon President


William Clinton in or around the White House Oval Office;


—- A White House steward, according to testimony before the grand jury and recounted in

Crisis, and resulting in the impeachment of President William Clinton, on multiple occasions


removed President Clinton’s semen-stained towels from the Oval Office and surrounding


furniture and carpets after Clinton sexually harassed subordinates and coerced them to perform


sexual acts with him;


—- Byrne and other Secret Service personnel witnessed, in the White House, President

Clinton engaging in sexual relations with journalist Eleanor Mondale and with other individuals


whom the officers testified were women other than Hillary Clinton, and who his “security


detail” did not attempt to protect from potential rape;


—- that Hillary Clinton attempted to mame President Clinton by throwing a heavy object at


his head at close range and striking the President in the eye with another heavy object – thus


attempting to mame (or possibly kill) the 42nd president of the United States;


—- President Clinton’s Secret Service detail was often out of proximity to President Clinton

when Hillary Clinton attacked President William Clinton, or when William Clinton sexually


molested younger women subordinates

—- The Enterprise colluded to again defame Byrne by covering up his recounting of repeated

assaults and battering of our then-President reported by Byrne and testified to under oath


before a duly constituted grand jury by Independent Counsel Kenneth Starr - any one of which


would have resulted in

a lengthy prison term for Hillary Clinton (who as “First Lady” enjoyed


no privilege for assaulting, battering and/or attempting to maim or kill her husband, the


President, or members of the Secret Service, or anyone else)


—- 23 Secret Service witnesses are available to testify to either witnessing or being struck by

Hillary Clinton’s projectiles — about Hillary Clinton assaulting and battering Secret

Service by throwing heavy objects at their heads in an attempt to injure or kill them in violation


of federal law


—- , it was stated that “facts seem to be optional for Gary Byrne” – despite President Clinton


being impeached for perjury based upon these exact “optional facts”, to which William Clinton


has subsequently admitted

Anonymous ID: 423820 June 21, 2018, 5:41 p.m. No.1854211   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4237






page 45 – caused incurable damage to the business interests of the Democratic Party and its


numerous donors, and did the same to private citizens such as former Secret Service Officer


Gary John Byrne, the plaintiff in this case, and concededly attempted to replicate, and did


replicate, such wrongdoing with respect to citizen-candidate and then President-elect (and now


President) Donald John Trump, Sr., and his presidential campaign, and endangered, and


continues to gravely endanger, the national security of the United States through espionage and


related seditious acts;


page 46 – names multiple organizations being used by the criminal Enterprise

Brock is the author of the leaked “Terminate Trump” dossier which is attached hereto as

Exhibit “A” and sets forth the plan for “nonprofit” (and supposedly nonpartisan) entities to


coordinate efforts to undermine and ultimately destroy the Trump presidency;


page 47 – Defendant Clinton Global Initiative (“CGI”) was established in 2005 by President

William Clinton to “convene global and emerging leaders”, and has consistently over the past


decade – including while Hillary Clinton was Secretary of State – provided a platform for


domestic and international graft, corruption, bribery, and treason/sedition against the United



— Defendant Clinton Giustra Enterprise Partnership (“CGEP”) is a Clinton Foundation

“initiative” that describes itself as “pioneering an innovative approach to poverty alleviation”,


but which, through the involvement of William Clinton and Frank Giustra were principals in


sustaining the Enterprise through, among other things, bribery and provision of control of


lethal uranium to enemies of the United States, including but not limited to Russia;

—- Defendant George Soros (“Soros”) is a Hungarian-American investor and leftist

Democratic Party partisan who, beginning with the 2003-2004 election cycle (in which he


donated $23,581,000 to various tax-exempt “nonpartisan” groups in order to defeat President


George W. Bush), has supported the Enterprise in illicitly funneling and laundering hundreds of


millions of dollars (with some accounts in the billions) to undermine those with whom the


Enterprise have directed its improper operational schemes

—- Defendant John Podesta is the former chairman of the 2016 Hillary Clinton presidential

campaign and principal wrongdoer in all aspects of Enterprise malfeasance, including


facilitating illegal (and conceded) collusion between the Hillary Clinton presidential campaign


and defendant Brock’s Super PACs, with the assistance of his personal attorney Marc Elias of


Perkins Coie LLP


page 48 — Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (“CREW”) is a wholly partisan

“ethics watchdog group”, as conceded in Exhibit “A” hereto, which illegally maintains a 501(c)


(3) status in its tax returns yet through platforms like Twitter and related social and traditional


media, have teamed with the Enterprise to serially defame, shirk (rather than attempt to


uphold) ethical standards, rules and laws, and file frivolous, unethical “complaints” intended


only to harass and further a partisan agenda buttressed by the Enterprise, and represents they


are part of the #Resistance against the United States Government;


—Defendant Shareblue, as set forth in Exhibit “A”, is responsible to the Enterprise with

“taking back social media for the Democrats” - a charge that, without any pretense of


nonpartisanship, aims to “delegitimize Donald Trump’s presidency” and “arm Americans to


fight” against the Trump administration;

Anonymous ID: 423820 June 21, 2018, 5:51 p.m. No.1854332   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Makes sense to me.

Like having to prove to biggots

that the people they call bigots

are not the bigots they say they are


dems think we still believe they are the champions of the underclasses

when we just survived 8 years of the worst showing of disregard for black people, violence against black people, with Eric Holder answering only

"we can only do so much"

to the question of why he isn't looking at police killing black kids

(sauce will take a bit to find)

Anonymous ID: 423820 June 21, 2018, 6:03 p.m. No.1854515   🗄️.is 🔗kun





am truly grieving about the long timing on the link drop-down text boxes – way too much langering time



the double spacing when pasting comments to and from the text reply fields

did not used to be here in the early days of the boards

changed 6 months ago

very annoying


thank you for your service
