One thing tbe left is good at is triggering us.
You can tell who watches MSM and who doesn't.
Some liberals are good, but misguided people. I have couple in my family.
But, the alt-left progressives ars like rabid animals. There is no rational thought process left. it's frothy at the mouth hate.
Oh, God. That's gross, eh?
He's had two of those bastards on tonight. He should limit to one.
I wind up just turning down the sound.
WL is comped. Has been since JA went dark.
Fuck every member of the cast and crew who sign on for that.
Yea, yea and your dick is 18 inches. No one cares.
Look! Two faggots.
The question at this point is: is the info legit, and if so, who leaked it or hacked to get it?