Anonymous ID: eb5693 March 20, 2023, 8:17 a.m. No.18545117   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5281


received a phone call fr out of state relative yesterday

pleasant conversation, "how's your father?" etc.

the relative then goes off on desantis (very surprised it was not Trump) and said that she does not understand how people can live in florida because desantis supports the kkk and won't allow schools to teach on the holocaust

i said not true, she said she saw it on the news and heard desantis say it himself

i said she needed to watch the entire speech and not just the sound bites shown on the news

i then said what they are doing to kids today is horrible, cutting of their dicks and tits, no response

then told her she is brainwashed

she got quite upset and said we should not discuss politics, told her glad to discuss politics with her any time

conversation ended, she hung up

what i took fr this is that there are still so many brainwashed by cabal/deep state media, unable to think for themselves, and also, apparently fake news is now focused on desantis, trying to tear him down

i know this anecdotal