Has anyone figured out Laura Ingraham's tweet yet?
The one with Extra "space"
And less "ration"?
Has anyone figured out Laura Ingraham's tweet yet?
The one with Extra "space"
And less "ration"?
Which is why Obama the satanist started doing it
And why Trump stopped it and made sure they had proper normal living quarters and food.
Google SRA and learn about how satanists abuse even their own kids by caging them or chaining them up without food, forcing them to kill and eat the weaker ones to survive.
Could Ingraham have been referring to the SRA?
Maybe it was to draw attention to the space, because the kids were overcrowded, and drawing attention to the ration because they were being starved.
Maybe she knows that there was cannibalism in some of Obama's detention centers?
Doesn't match the younger Ron