Anonymous ID: 799f55 March 20, 2023, 9:02 p.m. No.18550195   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0541



>>18550106 pb

Jokes aside, this is a real issue post-Trump, whenever that's going to be. Will the Uniparty be dismantled enough by then to ensure a proper set of candidates? Or can we still expect the RonnyD sabotage treatment, just in a smoother moar discreet manner?

>>18550115 pb

Anon, you're talking to someone who quite literally wouldn't be here if Germany hadn't been utterly destroyed during WWII. Nobody ever considers the Germans whose lives were fucked by matters and by people they didn't truly understand or control. No regular person "won" that shit, not in America or in Europe. Some cans were crushed at that time and the rest got kicked down the road for another time. I'd like to think some generation will end the madness once and for all, but then I remember it's said that God essentially created the Devil. So who are humans really working for here?

Anonymous ID: 799f55 March 20, 2023, 9:22 p.m. No.18550264   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0374 >>0433 >>0445 >>0459 >>0515 >>0551 >>0610 >>0760 >>0808 >>0893


>Robert Costello

Well, this sounds rather Godfather III-ish…

>Mr. Costello has represented such luminaries as George Steinbrenner, Leona Helmsley, Gene Michael, the General Manager of the Yankees and Michele Sindona, known as the “Vatican Banker.”

POTUS made a Joe DiMaggio reference last night too…



Anonymous ID: 799f55 March 20, 2023, 11:05 p.m. No.18550658   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0662 >>0669 >>0797 >>0804


>huge Number 1 ripper

Jack? Of farts? WTF is he talking about kek?


I guess what I mean is free will, which is generally seen as good, is also basically the root of all evil. So it doesn't feel right, no matter how I try to personally reconcile it, if all the terrible things we know of are true. Why should something that enables us to do good also enable us to do evil? Truth doesn't seem like it should be painful, but in many cases is. Nobody asks to be born. Or made a slave for that matter. And yet we are. Duality seems silly sometimes. But I agree with you all the way, fren, I appreciate your response.

Anonymous ID: 799f55 March 20, 2023, 11:30 p.m. No.18550737   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0748 >>0756


Yeah…high school physics really fucked anon's perspective of the world kek.


You can lead that horse to water, but damn if it won't drink on its own.


Something something pineal gland, something something something.



So is POTUS commanding him? He said something the other day about making things "legit."


It's probably Cardildo or Fedboi posting kek.

Anonymous ID: 799f55 March 21, 2023, 1:02 a.m. No.18550915   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0940


>I have this idea that God says, “do you want to go to earth again, I’ve got a mission for you?”

Remember responding to a thought like this one night a couple of weeks ago. Maybe it was you kek. I could see it though, anon, definitely. "You were chosen for a reason." Doesn't feel like that most days, but would make a hell of a lot moar sense than random nothingness.


"Desire is the root of all suffering." Don't always agree with that premise, but it's true often enough.