Anonymous ID: 87a7ff March 20, 2023, 9:08 p.m. No.18550216   🗄️.is 🔗kun

CPT Bannon, Iraq Veteran and WarRoom CEO, Discusses the 20 Year Anniversary of the Invasion of Iraq


Bannon with his daughter Maureen (Mo) who served in Iraq, showing videos of 20th anniversary today 3/20/03 ofShock and Awe attack on Iraqby Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Baker lied to America (all part of the Carlyle Group with Youngkin).


Mo or Maureen tells the truth on how veterans were and are being or not being treated, by the VA to this day


Remember theAG said about J6, we want to create Shock and Awe by arresting protestors at J6


Never forget anons, same strategy, different time

Anonymous ID: 87a7ff March 20, 2023, 9:47 p.m. No.18550367   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0375 >>0405

False Flags and the Occult1/2-3

The Season of Sacrifice Is About to Begin….False Flags are Not New

Our world is controlled by elite oligarchs, globalists, and their middle-manager henchmen that work in bank, trade, finance, and government. Working hand-in-glove with the hidden masters of the world are the covert intelligence agencies.

A false flag is a political or military action carried out with the intention of blaming an opponent for it. The goal is to gain advantages over the populous, another state actor or country, by triggering an event and blaming it on someone else. A false flag can also spin organic events to suit the agenda of a control group. Given this definition, one could argue that false flag events are on going operations that take place regularly. A much deeper discussion could be had linking the banking-governmental industrial complex to criminal events as part of the banking cartel’s efforts to maintain a grip on economies they’ve taken over.

Banking as we know it today relies on instability to maintain dependence on the banking industry and its subsidiary industries of insurance, healthcare, law enforcement, defense manufacturing, human trafficking and the drug trade. The first fractional reserve bank was launched within a decade of the Dutch East India company, which was involved in the black market cartel activities cited earlier (i.e., drug trade, weapons trading, color revolutions [not the term used in the past], slavery, and high finance).

In short, the healthier a community the more law and order exists therein, the less that community needs to hedge against risks using banker credit as a result of societal instability. Conversely, the more instability exists within a community, the more money is needed to manage risks. The international banking cartel is happy to offer solutions to the problems it helped create through it’s partnership with organized crime.

Whitney Webb, in her book One Nation Under Blackmail, reveals the shady and government endorsed relationship between organized crime, government, banking, and the intelligence community. Criminal cartels don’t just take advantage of the banking system, they work directly with it to manufacture chaos that governments use to enact legislation in an effort to solve, charging tax payers top dollar in the process. The scheme is so successful it’s become the foundation of all modern nations and countries.

The money generated from these schemes is not the end but a means to an end. The real end is arguably control of the human population for an disclosed purpose—money and banking merely provide one of the best tools for control, specifically covert control. While the full nature of this agenda is hidden, tips of the iceberg have been revealed in the media.

“You’ll own nothing and be happy.”Admitted False Flags

Governments rarely openly admit that they have orchestrated false flags, but it does happen. Let’s review two examples from a listof 42 admitted false flags:

(2) A major with the Nazi SS admitted at the Nuremberg trials that – under orders from the chief of the Gestapo – he and some other Nazi operatives faked attacks on their own people and resources which they blamed on the Poles, to justify the invasion of Poland.

Origin of the Occult Seasons of Sacrifice

The strange marriage between occultism, intelligence agencies, and banking establishes an apparent pattern for why and how false flag events occur.

Occult should not be taken to mean the Hollywood variant of occultism—ouija boards, satanic black masses, men dressed like devils, and the like—although these are minor aspects, to be sure. Occult here means the broader definition, relating to that which is hidden from sight.

There appears to be a religious aspect to the groups who use false flags to affect their agenda. A full treatment and exploration of all the various occult groups, their belief systems, and agendas is beyond the scope of this writing. However, the number of false flag attacks that occur on alleged occult holidays suggests an occult-religious significance. A list is provided later in this writing.

In summary, many occult groups of the deep past believed heralds and signs in the heavens were related to god-like beings and the communion of these beings with humanity. Comets, solar eclipses, lunar eclipses, and other celestial phenomena properly identified and predicted, could be used to negotiate with the gods, and in doing so, gain favor for the tribe or cult…

Anonymous ID: 87a7ff March 20, 2023, 9:50 p.m. No.18550375   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0390



At this time in history, primitive minded people believed everything in the natural world was a direct result of personal beings—either human or supernatural. It rained because of a rain god. Crops grew because of the fertility god. Therefore, if one could gain sway and favor with these gods, by offering them gifts or making bargains, the tribe could avoid tragedy (bad times) while paving the way for beneficence (good times). The one who could broker such a bargain was a man or women of renown, a witch doctor, shaman, or high priest.

Later, kings and their progeny would act as appointed representatives of the gods of the tribe. Both priest and king were in effect messiah-like figures, who’s word was law, and who’s will was unquestionable. These elites would declare when the land and community needed to be purged of sin, for which, mass ritual of sacrifice was the cleansing agent of choice. For instance, the Mayans and Aztecs engaged in regular episodes of blood spilling to renew the vitality of the earth. Druids used to burn wicker men, which was filled with criminals and sinners who were believed to have offended the gods and therefore must be killed in a ritual cleansing.

From these primordial roots, the recent and more sophisticated dark elite groups emerged to form the larger civilizations of Sumer, Babylon, Egypt, Phoenicia, and on down through history. The rites and practices used by these ancient dark occultists transformed with the times, modernizing as false flag rituals, as just one example of the deeply occulted basis of modern civilization.

Anthony Napoleon, psychoanalysis, lawyer, and researcher of the occult, in his book Shadow Men: An Encyclopedia of Mind Control, argues that a consistent and reliable modus operandi has been used all throughout history. The so-called shadow men—who tend to be intelligent psychopaths—learned how to track the motion of the heavens, assigning socio-religious significance to the movement of celestial bodies.

In time, the shadow men were able to predict celestial events with staggering accuracy, using such predictions and the carefully seeded narratives that such events are proof of communion with the gods to gain the trust of the less intelligent and superstitious citizenry. This claim, combined with evidence gathered by anthropologists suggests peoples in antiquity worshipped and revered heavenly bodies, establishes a link between astrology and occult groups. Astrotheology, as it is known, was secretly woven into all modern and mainstream religions.

Predicting the appearance of celestial bodies and events would have an incredibly powerful effect on the minds of superstitious people. Elite priests and druids were able to effectively become the secret rulers of men, and with this power, they further cemented their grip by concretizing their systems into religious dogma and astrologically-centered days of worship, many of which involved ritual sacrifice.

Dozens upon dozens of researchers, of both ancient peoples and modern tribes, describe the importance of sacrifice and ritual blood spilling to renew the land in preparation for the new year or season. Modern academia supports this finding, arguing that a socio-religious basis for connecting sacrifice and fruitfulness has been established all throughout history by tribes and peoples separated by vast distances.

In the deep past, small tribes centered around shamanistic practices appear to have naturally developed human sacrifice and psycho-drama (ritual magic) as a standard feature of shadow men's style control over populations…

Anonymous ID: 87a7ff March 20, 2023, 9:53 p.m. No.18550390   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0395

>>18550375 really long historical article, worth reading all of it


The Eleusinian Mystery Schools, for instance, emerged sometime during the Grecian dark ages, possibly through interaction with Phoenicians who worshiped Ba’al, a horned god that demanded human sacrifice as payment for benefits rendered. The mystery schools are the esoteric (hidden) counterpart to the exoteric (overt) worship of openly endorsed gods and goddesses. That is, citizens would openly worship at temples to Zeus during the day, and secretly engage with the mysteries at night. These same mystery schools are alive and well today as the various initiation lodges, such as Free Masonry.

Later, the mystery schools were used to recruit and cement members from the general population into the secret power cult, which was itself a tool used to maintain power by the shadow men priests and rulers operating behind the scenes. After the fall of the Roman Empire, the shadow men appear to have crypto-ized—they clothed themselves in other religions, such as Judaism, Islam, Christianity, and later, secularism. Today, secular systems of power (leftism, progressivism, the LGBTQ+ agenda, etc) overshadow the once mainly socio-religious exoteric systems. But the underlying astrotheological basis for shaping world events remains very much alive; at least, this is the conclusion that several researchers have drawn, such as Mark Passio, Santos Binachi, and many others.

Here is a brief list of significant events that took place on May 1st, which lines up with the pagan holiday of Beltane.40-Day Season of SacrificeNot every event has to fall on a occult day of significance. The 40-day season, according to Mark Passio, starts on March 19th and ends on May 1st.

Here is a brief list of events that took place within this window. This is not an exhaustive list:…


Read the whole it a coincidence Trump’s arrest was announced 3 day before the start on 3/19, and will likely go 40 days or more?

Here is a brief list of events that took place within this window. This is not an exhaustive list:

• 4/19/1775 Battles of Lexicon and Concord by British

• 4/19/1861 Baltimore Riots (13 died)

• 4/14/1912 Sinking of the Titanic (1512 died)

• 4/4/1968 Assassination of Martin Luther King

• 4/19/1993 Waco Massacre

• 4/19/1995 Oklahoma City Bombing

• 4/28/1996 Port Arthur Massacre, Australia

• 3/26/1997 Heaven’s Gate Cult “Suicides”

• 3/24/1998 Westside Middle School Massacre in Arkansas

• 4/20/1999 Columbine High School Shootings

• 3/20/2003 “Shock & Awe” Iraq War Begins

• 4/16/2007 Virginia Tech Massacre

• 4/29/2010 Moscow Subway Bombings

• 4/19/2010 BP Oil Rig Attacks

• 4/19/2011 Invasion of Libya by U.S. Begins

• 4/15/2013 Boston Bombings

What is the significance of this 40-day window?

The following is an excerpt from an article I wrote in 2015 summarizing a presentation provided by

Mark Passio, wherein he lays out the astrotheologicalbasis of false flags and the 40-day season of sacrifice.

Anonymous ID: 87a7ff March 20, 2023, 10:01 p.m. No.18550430   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I read this headline to my Q friend, we both thought it was very polite to do this near them. After all, they sacrifice children. I’m sure poop doesnt bother them

Anonymous ID: 87a7ff March 20, 2023, 10:30 p.m. No.18550541   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0658


I’m not understanding what you are saying, written history is distorted. And mostly lies. Even prior generations tell the story that someone else told. Can we really know without a doubt what happened?


I know for sure what you are saying is correct, many Germans never wanted to participate in what happened. What choice did your parents or grandparents have?


Anon all of us want it ended, everyone one of us, I literally tear upknowing the torture and suffering that happens to everyone especially children and the unborn.


The torture of God’s children old and young is beyond comprehension, so I am with you, one generation will be given the power of God to end this seemingly endless cycle of evil.


God created the Archangel or angels that rebelled against God,he did not create the devil, their free will and choice was they would not be the servant of mankind was their choice & downfall. Lucifer was called the Morning Star in Heaven. A long story but every being had free will to choose, except for animals. Its some understanding of a soul and group soul.


Regardless, my wish is in alignment with you, end the death and suffering, but mankind has been at it for 1,000s of years. And those of us who believe in reincarnation, its 100s of 1000s of years. Its exhausting!



I thank God for that, because if we truly knew the past and the horrors of it, may be severly burdened by it. Altgough I would like to know the truth

Anonymous ID: 87a7ff March 20, 2023, 10:36 p.m. No.18550563   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Thank God for appointing this warrior of the ages. His gift of rest is in heaven. Not for a long time though, I’m very attached to him, God’s servant for mankind

Anonymous ID: 87a7ff March 20, 2023, 10:44 p.m. No.18550589   🗄️.is 🔗kun


These people kill children, whatever they get, they deserve. What did Podesta say? She smelled like old cabbage and farts. They deserve every disgusting thing that happens to them


Save The Children From Eviland throw shit at them

Anonymous ID: 87a7ff March 20, 2023, 11:15 p.m. No.18550693   🗄️.is 🔗kun

21 Mar, 2023 05:28

European country worried over Russian gas cutoff

Moldova may lose Russian supplies due to problems with transit through Ukraine


Moldova says that Russian energy giant Gazprom may completely halt gas supplies to the country “at a certain stage,” and the government is already considering such a scenario, Energy Minister Viktor Parlikov said on Monday.


In an interview with Vocea Basarabiei TV channel, he noted that in such a case, Chisinau would also have to “deal with an energy crisis in Transdnistria.”


Moldova reportedly sends the entire volume of gas it receives from Russia to a hydro power plant on the left bank of the Dniester in Transdnistria, its breakaway self-governing region, receiving cheap electricity in exchange.


“Now all the gas that reaches the left bank of the Dniester is de facto free. The advantage of this situation is that we buy electricity at a better price than at its alternative cost,” he said.


Parlikov warned of the impact from a termination of the contract with Gazprom. Domestic power generation can only cover 20% of Moldova’s electricity demand. Chisinau is currently buying electricity at $73 kilowatt-hour from Transdnistria compared to $93 KWh for imports from Romania.


“There will be consequences that all of us will have to deal with on the right bank. There are 250,000 people living on the left bank of the Dniester, most of them citizens of Moldova. They will not go to Moscow or Ukraine, we will also have to take care of them,” the official added.


In 2021, Moldovan national energy company Moldovagas signed a five-year contract with Gazprom for supplies of 3.3 billion cubic meters of gas annually. Of this volume 1.1 bcm was designated for Moldova and 2.2 bcm to Transdnistria.


But in October, Gazprom slashed gas supplies to Moldova by 30% to 5.7 million cubic meters per day, citing the refusal of Ukrainian state energy company Naftogaz to provide gas delivery services through the Sokhranovka entry point. Ukraine shut down the Sokhranovka station in May, a key gas transit route which handled about a third of the Russian gas flowing through the country to European customers.


Moldova just had a color revolution sponsored by soros and the US SOS, so now they are blaming Russia what they created

Anonymous ID: 87a7ff March 20, 2023, 11:54 p.m. No.18550797   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0915


Free will really depends if we want to be free from the pain and suffering. Its a severe test, but we are given many lifetimes to master it. Its fun when its fun, its awful when it is. We have small memories that pop up and say, “don’t do that again” and hopefully we listen


At least thats my take

Anonymous ID: 87a7ff March 21, 2023, midnight No.18550804   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0915


I kind of disagree that would don’t ask to be born. I have this idea that God says, “do you want to go to earth again, I’ve got a mission for you?”


Well we are on heaven ir a stopover that feels great, and we say “sure God”. But because we are in a realm that doesnt feel what its like we think it will be fine.


Gos reminds us but we just say SURE, whatever you want.


Everything is better in heaven except for our perception of earth