Anonymous ID: 9dfaf5 March 21, 2023, 12:34 p.m. No.18553440   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3734 >>3848 >>4024 >>4098 >>4162

(I wonder why this story is coming out now over a 2010 email? Seems petty, but is there a push to get rid if Zuch?)

Mark Zuckerberg demanded Facebook employee ‘please resign’ over media leak

Ariel Zilber

Mark Zuckerberg’s alleged dictatorial management style resurfaced in an email the Facebook founder sent more than a decade ago with the subject line “Please Resign” after one of his workers leaked information to the media.


The 2010 email from Zuckerberg to Facebook staff — posted over the weekend by the Twitter account known as “Internal Tech Emails” — blasted the leak from an internal meeting about the social network’s future plans as an act of “betrayal.”


“Confidential — Do Not Share,” began the message, which has gotten more than 3 million views since being posted on Internal Tech Emails’ Twitter account Sunday.


“Lots of you saw the TechCrunch story … claiming that we’re building a mobile phone. “We’re not building a phone and I spoke at length … about what we’re actually doing — building ways to make all phones and apps more social.”


“This was an act of betrayal,” Zuckerberg raged.


“So I’m asking whoever leaked this to resign immediately,” he continued. “If you believe that it’s ever appropriate to leak internal information, you should leave.”


The tech wunderkind, who was 25 at the time, then issued a threat to the leaker.


“If you don’t resign, we will almost certainly find out who you are anyway.”


Zuckerberg, who recently laid off thousandsof employees at Meta as part of a restructuring and cost-cutting spree, brooded over his employees leaking information to the press in the 2010 email.


“It is frustrating and destructive that anyone here thought is [sic] was okay to say this to anyone outside the company,” he wrote. “The fact that the story was inaccurate doesn’t make it any better.”


The Post has sought comment from former journalist Michael Arrington, who wrote the TechCrunch story that Zuckerberg denied.


Arrington, a co-founder of TechCrunch, has since moved on to head Arrington Capital, a Web3-centric venture capital firm.


Zuckerberg’s 2010 email went on to lament the fallout from the leak.


Mark Zuckerberg: "Please Resign"


September 22, 2010

— Internal Tech Emails (@TechEmails) March 19, 2023

“I’ve had to personally spend a lot of time over the last few days … cleaning up the damage from this mess,” he wrote. “Even now, we’re in a more precarious position with companies in the mobile space who should be our partners because they now think we’re competitors.”


While pledging to crack down on leaks to the press, Zuckerberg wrote in the next sentence: “We are a company that promotes openness and transparency, both in the world at large and here internally at Facebook.”


“But the cost of an open culture is that we all have to protect the confidential information we share internally,” he wrote.


“If we don’t, we screw over everyone working their asses off to change the world.”


The Post has sought comment from Facebook’s parent company, Meta.


In 2016, a former Facebook employee who was fired from his account executive position wrote a book alleging that Zuckerberg ruled the company with an iron fist.


The author, Antonio Garcia Martinez, likened the company to a cult and said Zuckerberg’s leadership style was akin to that of North Korean ruler Kim Jong Un.


Martinez also wrote in “Chaos Monkeys: Obscene Fortune and Random Failure in Silicon Valley” that female workers at Facebook were told how to dress and that they had to avoid wearing skirts that were deemed too short lest they be “distracting” to others.

Anonymous ID: 9dfaf5 March 21, 2023, 1 p.m. No.18553579   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3616 >>3721 >>3734 >>3848 >>4024 >>4098 >>4162

New PDJT plan out


Daniel Baldwin


“We will establish a Truth and Reconciliation Commission to declassify and publish all documents on Deep State spying, censorship, and corruption.” Pres. Donald Trump unveils a 10-step plan to dismantle the deep state once and for good. @OANN

Anonymous ID: 9dfaf5 March 21, 2023, 1:25 p.m. No.18553753   🗄️.is 🔗kun

I thought about this, the Dems are no longer in “Trump Derangement Sydrome” or TDS, they have actually gone into theInsane and Desperate syndrome, So they have IDS.


The literally have not won at any time, his support & popularity goes up and everything they do becomes more and more bizarre. Is it possible God is driving them insane for the evil they have done to his children for centuries?It seems they are self destructing as we watch.


The weird thing is Leticia James tried for years to take down Trump, she failed miserably, so she locked up an old man. And then Bragg comes in and says “Hold My Beer”, and its actually more ridiculous.


Whatever comes from all if this, it seems like the dems are ok alienating their own base. It’s just weird, they don’t get more support but less and less.


I know they are Godlessbut they should consider there is an invisible force, such as God that damns their plans constantly. This must really piss off Fake HRC! And the rest of the WW cabal.

Anonymous ID: 9dfaf5 March 21, 2023, 1:38 p.m. No.18553833   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3848 >>4024 >>4098 >>4162 >>4199

Weaponization of legal system reaches new level

Democrats are more focused on targeting political opponents than protecting its citizens


By Mike Davis

If we are to believe the news, the district attorneys in Fulton County, Georgia, and Manhattan will soon announce indictments of Donald Trump.


The New York indictment looks especially imminent. Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg is hellbent on charging Mr. Trump. In fact, the New York County District Attorney’s Office has been searching for any way to charge the former president since 2017. The investigation has poured over former President Trump’s personal and business life. They’ve reportedly settled on charging Mr. Trump with the non-crime of his attorney Michael Cohen paying Stormy Daniels settlement money.


Even The New York Times admits the case is a stretch: “The case against the former president hinges on an untested and therefore risky legal theory involving a complex interplay of laws.”


It doesn’t matter. Mr. Trump is uniquely evil to the liberal prosecutors in New York. Mark Pomerantz, who investigated Mr. Trump for the Manhattan district attorney’s office, reveals in his book that he was asked in 2017 to join the DA’s office for the sole purpose of going after Mr. Trump.Mr. Pomerantz wrote that, unlike prosecuting “killers,” the prospect of prosecuting Mr. Trump made him emotional, as Mr. Trump “disgusted” him.


The now-former prosecutor wrote that he “would have paid the District Attorney’s Office for the opportunity to prosecute President Trump.”


This zeal to go after the political opponents of the Democrat party while ignoring real criminals starts with the leadership in the Manhattan DA’s office. The New York Post found that “soft-on-crime Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg has downgraded more than half his felony cases to misdemeanors — while also managing to lose half of the felony cases that do reach court.”


Mr. Bragg can’t find the time to prosecute felonies in his district and protect the citizens that pay his salary, but he has all the time in the world to pursue a partisan agenda against Mr. Trump. This is an attempt to undermine a presidential candidate in order to curry favor with Democratic officials while ignoring New Yorkers’ concern with rising crime in New York City.


The partisan legal antics don’t stop in New York. Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis convened a special grand jury in Atlanta to try to secure charges against Mr. Trump. The foreperson of the special grand jury went on a national media tour, where she gleefully fantasized about taking down Mr. Trump.


Ms. Willis appears to be targeting Mr. Trumpfor actions that are protected by the First Amendment. It’s only illegal to challenge election results in Third World Marxist hellholes. It’s not a crime to lobby other politicians. If political arm-twisting were illegal, then every politician in America would be in prison.


These two prosecutions are intended to kneecap Mr. Trump with the 2024 presidential election on the horizon. Mr. Trump remains the Republican front-runner, and he is ahead of President Biden in recent polls.


These district attorneys are attempting to force Mr. Trump out of the race with bogus legal theories — Mr. Bragg has been essentially dismissed by even the liberal New York Times — because they are terrified of a fair election.


Why wouldn’t they be afraid? Amid record inflation and a looming financial crisis, most Americans are dissatisfied with the direction of the country.


Mr. Trump brought us peace and prosperity; Mr. Biden brought us war and despair.


Fortunately, these politicized legal shenanigans tend to blow up in Democrats’ faces. Just look at how Mr. Trump’s poll numbers improved after the FBI’s baseless and illegal raid on Mar-a-Lago.


The one thing that has united conservatives in the Trump era is disdain for the Democrats’ weaponization of the legal system.


But while the use of our courts to score political points might not succeed as planned for Democrats,it will succeed in causing permanent damage to our nation. For all the Democrats’ talk of “protecting democracy,” weaponized prosecution is a blatant attempt to steal control from voters.


Every time a prosecutor’s office becomes more focused on targeting political opponents than protecting its citizens, we become more like the countries we used to liberate.

Anonymous ID: 9dfaf5 March 21, 2023, 1:44 p.m. No.18553867   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3877 >>4024 >>4058 >>4098 >>4162

That’s the problem they allow people like Fauci in government regardless of how he fucked up every thing he handled.I’d say hang them the first time they kill people with drugs or disease, it won’t happen again.

Anonymous ID: 9dfaf5 March 21, 2023, 2:04 p.m. No.18554007   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Rubin was really shocked when Meghan Kelly said DeSantis would never win. Trump will win. She would know.


Did you notice Benny Johnson is only in one picture. (I didn’t expect him to be part of it. But you never know. He should rethink his choice for money and prestige).


There’s Matthew Tyramind who betrayed James O’Keefe. He will shaft his grandmother for money and prestige.


Most of them are 2nd or 3rd tier influencers (i hate that word. But thats who they think they are)

Anonymous ID: 9dfaf5 March 21, 2023, 2:16 p.m. No.18554077   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4162

Daily Caller


Former Legal Advisor to Michael Cohen Speaks Out on Potential Trump IndictmentROBERT COSTELLO: "If they want to go after Donald Trump, and they have solid evidence, so be it. But Michael Cohen is FAR from solid evidence."


Best video I’ve seen in a long time

Anonymous ID: 9dfaf5 March 21, 2023, 2:25 p.m. No.18554130   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4162

21 Mar, 2023 19:25

Putin warns UK against supplying depleted uranium to Ukraine

Moscow will treat the munitions as weapons with a “nuclear component,” the Russian president has said


Russian President Vladimir Putin has warned London against the planned delivery ofdepleted uranium (DU) armor-piercing tank rounds to Ukraine, saying the weapons will be treated by Moscow as containing “nuclear components.”


Putin commented on British plans to include DU munitions in a forthcoming delivery ofChallenger 2 main battle tanksas he spoke alongside Chinese President Xi Jinping following talks in Moscow on Tuesday.


“I would like to note that if this happens, then Russia will be forced to react accordingly, bearing in mind that thecollective West has already started to use weapons with a nuclear component,” he stated.


A similar warning was issued by Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu on the sidelines of the Russia-China talks, who said the move would bring the world yet another step closer to a nuclear disaster.


“Another step has been taken, and there are fewer and fewer left,” Shoigu told reporters.


The looming delivery was announced on Monday by Annabel Goldie, the UK minister of state at the Ministry of Defence, as she responded to a written inquiry on the matter. She confirmed the plans to deliver DU rounds to Kiev, lauding them as a highly effective weapon.


“Alongside our granting of a squadron of Challenger 2 main battle tanks to Ukraine, we will be providing ammunition including armor-piercing rounds which contain depleted uranium. Such rounds are highly effective in defeating modern tanks and armored vehicles,” Goldie said.


The DU munitions have long been the subject of international controversy, with critics of their usehighlighting the toxicity and radioactivity of the material. Depleted uranium is used to make the hardened cores of armor-piercing rounds, excelling in this role due its high density. The round’s core evaporates on impact, turning into aerosol andcontaminating the environmentwith uranium. (Where’s UK green agenda? It’s ok in Ukraine and Russians I guess)


TheUN has already expressed alarmover the UK plans. Farhan Haq, a spokesman for Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, told a media briefing that the international body had long voiced concerns about the consequences of DU use, as well as about those who supply such weaponry.


These munitions were actively used by NATO during the First Gulf War, as well as during the bloc’s aggression against former Yugoslavia, both in the form of tank and aircraft artillery shells. The use of the munitions was acknowledged by NATO in a 2000 report, with the US-led bloc revealing that it had used some10 metric tons of the material in Yugoslavia – and 300 metric tons in Iraq.(So is that why US troops have accelerated case of aggressive cancer?)


The report acknowledged that the material poses a threat due to itstoxicity in an “aerosol form,” but insisted the DU was not “particularly highly radioactive.”