When the Jews came up with the idea of White Supremacy, they forgot to read this poem by Rudyard Kipling.
The non-Jewish Whites are not going to take the blame for all of the sins that the Jews have committed.
The non-Jewish Whites are not going to be scapegoats for the Jews.
The non-Jewish Whites are not going to be Virtue Signaling Libtards who go around self-flagellating themselves, feeling guilty for what the Jews have done.
The Jew have pushed too far.
Affirmative Action was salt in the wounds.
White Flight, White Guilt, White Supremacy, White Fragility, all of the BLM bullshit. And now CRT, and talk of Reparations.
They are trying really hard to get White people to punch back.
And I have a feeling that when the Whites punch back, it will be a Knock Out Punch.