Because those 10 gorgeous girls, exercising their own free will, see you as faggot and choose not to be with you.
Well, a high school girl basketball team refused to play a "transgendered" team and was disqualified from the game. Ladies, this is what it is going to take to stop this illegitimate takeover of women's sports by these faggot ass trannys.
WALK AWAY. Refuse to play them. Refuse to swim against them. It will take sacrifice. Tthis is not so much about you as it is for the future of women's sports.
This has been going on for so long now that it is embedded into the societal mindset. Nobdy votes for these democrats. They steal elections and have been doing it for long time. Sam Giacona and the Chicago uniions stole the election for ole man Joe's son. They've perfected the steal and now it's all a shit for shine show. VOTE, VOTE, VOTE………………..well, we do and have been voting and look at what we've got now. Only one outfit can take care of all this shit and they are too fucking faggot to even care.
World Depopulation is at the root of all of this shit. The progressive left is a Death Cult and they want the world rid of 98% of the population. Below 500 million. They've told us so.
I don't get it. On the otherhand, I do. Corruption is cancerous. It has spread everywhere including our armed forces. Took my flag down about a month ago. I think I'm gonna put it back up but upside down because this is exactly where we are as a nation.
Progressive faggot.
At a school anon? Wow. Good on whoever did it.
It is a sad commentary. I think a large percentage would turn on the citizenry if ordered to. Many LE also. Don't know if I'll see it in my lifetime but eventually, the citizenry turns on them and when that happens, they are properly fucked. The numbers aren't even close.
Fucking Boom!!! When and if this case against Trump first hits the courtroom for arraignment, the sitting judge should dismiss it will prejuduce and hold the prosecuting attorney and Alvin Bragg in contempt of court and give them 60 days in Rikers.
Amen anon.