gimme the cash
>their shit tier political persecution disguised as a "legitimate" grand jury is being exposed
>I’ve been impeached twice, its no so bad! It actually made my poll numbers go up!
>hazardous chemical cloud emanating from the BioLab chemical plant
Welcome to America’s new, digital Satanic Panic
America is frequently gripped over fears of Satan.
Mike Rothschild
These claims are easily digested by conservatives. After a half-decade of QAnon conspiracy theories and Trump accusations against his enemies, it’s easy to understand why they are primed to believe Satanic pedophiles are real.
It’s why the groomer slur was so quick to catch on. There is no link between Satanism and pedophilia, but that fear—pushed by QAnon believers first—is driving much of the slurs being used as a cudgel against the LGBTQ community.
>There is no link between Satanism and pedophilia
>There is no link between Satanism and pedophilia
The right’s moral panic over “grooming” invokes age-old homophobia
“Groomer” accusations against liberals and the LGBTQ community are recycled Satanic Panic
Fifty years from now, the sun is dying, and mankind is dying with it. Our last hope: a spaceship and a crew of eight men and women. They carry a device which will breathe new life into the star. But deep into their voyage, out of radio contact with Earth, their mission is starting to unravel.
that's so ukraine
>Does one ever really know?
>Hobbies, some people have them.
>Several people I know are pretty much crying blood at this point because they really thought they had him this time.