Anonymous ID: 144643 March 22, 2023, 12:04 p.m. No.18560684   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I have said it once and I'll say it again: Trump isn't going to do a single day in jail and/or prison, EVER.


With that said, if you were to be tasked with the gargantuan task of arresting a former or sitting POTUS, what would you do? Would you publicize when/where the arrest would occur, or would you disseminate conflicting stories, all of which would be disinformation, to avoid making a giant spectacle? Would that even be possible?

Anonymous ID: 144643 March 22, 2023, 12:17 p.m. No.18560760   🗄️.is 🔗kun


“You find very quickly that people are afraid to be around you because they can see the government being upset about what you’re talking about, and they can see repercussions coming, and of course they have happened and will continue to happen and, ultimately, I believe that there will be some kind of terminal point where they decide that they’re not just, just not gonna put up with this pest anymore and that’s gonna be the end of me.”


“You can’t go to church. You can’t go to cocktail parties because everybody else is sitting around talking about the weather or “oh what school did you go to” and you, when you have done the research and arrived at some of the answers that I know to be true now, those people become like Kindergarten children. They’re not in the real world and I can’t engage in that kind of a conversation so you really find yourself in another world that has nothing to do with all of the rest of the people who are running around engaged in their activities that they think are so important to them. And to them, they really are, but to me they’ve lost the reality of what really is important and they are about to lose the freedom to even discover those things, at this point.”


-Bill Cooper


Milton William Cooper Truth Isolation

Anonymous ID: 144643 March 22, 2023, 1:08 p.m. No.18561019   🗄️.is 🔗kun

German Health Minister: Covid Shots Cause ‘Permanent Severe Disabilities’


German Minister of Health Karl Lauterbachhas issued an apology to the public and admitted that theCovid shots he once promoted are causing “severe disabilities” that will likely be “permanent.”


Lauterbach previously encouraged the people of Germany to get vaccinated by claiming that mRNA shots are safe and free of side effects.


However, he has just gone on record to admit that he was wrong.


On August 14, 2021, Lauterbach said on Twitter that the Covid shots had “no side effects.”


He made the statement while further questioning why some Germans were refusing to get vaccinated against COVID-19.


But after being confronted with soaring sudden death rates and record numbers of injury reports in Germany, Lauterbach has now changed his tune.


During an interview with German channel ZDF’s “Heute Journal,” Lauterbach was asked by anchor Christian Sievers about the claim he made in the summer of 2021.


Sievers confronted the top health official over his previous tweet that stated the shots are virtually free of side effects.


Lauterbach responded that the tweet was “misguided” and an “exaggeration” he made at the time.


Alarmingly, Lauterbach admitted that his statements promoting the vaccines “did not represent my true position.”


“I’ve always been aware of the numbers and they’ve remained relatively stable … one in 10,000 [are injured],” Lauterbach said.


“Some say that it’s a lot, and some say it’s not so many.”


Lauterbach’s remark on vaccine adverse events came after the German network played a segment of several Germans who’ve been seriously injured after getting the shot.


The clip included a 17-year-old gymnast who previously competed in the German Artistic Gymnastics Championships before she was hospitalized for more than one year shortly after receiving the second dose of the BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine.


“What do you say to those who have been affected [by vaccine injuries]?” Sievers asked Lauterbach.


“What’s happened to these people is absolutely dismaying, and every single case is one too many,” Lauterbach responded.


“I honestly feel very sorry for these people.


“There are severe disabilities, and some of them will be permanent.”


Steve Kirsch, executive director of the Vaccine Safety Research Foundation (VSRF), did not agree with Lauterbach.


However, Kirsch did commend the health official for making “progress” by admitting his mistakes.


“The true rate of serious adverse events is approximately 100 times greater than the figures Lauterbach cited— ‘closer to 1 in 100 doses’ and ‘For death, it is ~1 in 1,000 doses,’” Kirsch said on Twitter.


By October 31, 2022, the Paul-Ehrlich-Institut received a total of 333,492 individual case reports on suspected COVID-19 vaccine adverse reactions or vaccine side effects in Germany.


The figures were revealed in official data (pdf) released in December 2022 by the medical regulatory body that researches vaccines and biomedicines.


“The number of individual case reports per month peaked in December 2021 and declined continuously during the summer months of 2022,” the federal health agency, which is subordinate to the German health ministry, stated in the report.


Despite these findings, the country’s health ministry website states that “modern vaccines are safe and adverse effects only occur in sporadic cases.”


As the subject of post-vaccine deaths and injuries has started to be more widely covered by some German media outlets, lawsuits have begun to roll out against Big Pharma companies.


However, vaccine manufacturers such as Pfizer and Moderna have immunity from liability if something unintentionally goes wrong with their vaccines, putting them in a very strong legal position.


“It’s true that within the framework of these EU contracts, the companies were largely exempted from liability and that the liability, therefore, lies with the German state, so to speak … with the federal states,” Lauterbach said.


Yet, in spite of this, Lauterbach noted that it would “definitely” be a good idea if pharmaceutical companies took some responsibility for the issue.


The health official said Big Pharma firms should “show a willingness to help” those affected by vaccine adverse events, especially due to their profits being “exorbitant.”


“So, that wouldn’t just be a good gesture, we should expect it,” he said.


Lauterbach said the priority now is to facilitate the care of those suffering from post-vaccination syndrome.