Anonymous ID: 69937c March 22, 2023, 12:19 p.m. No.18560772   🗄️.is đź”—kun

Social subversion tactics have the objective of “crashing” the civilization. They attack cognitive capacity, promote binary thinking, create false divisions, exacerbate existing social inequities and gradually constrict public vocabulary. They portray bizarre perversions and a sordid “celebrity” lifestyle as exciting and desirable. Additional subliminally active “occult” materials are injected music videos, concerts and ritual events like Burning Man are introduced and promoted on social media as well as in high school and grade school curricula.


Other tactics include the use of prepared, coordinated media campaigns to manipulate popular belief, often in conjunction with staged, traumatic public events such as bloody terrorist attacks, creating artificial divisions among populations, engendering false polarities.


The propagation of harmful fictitious narratives by news media, the use of subliminal image systems and symbolic languages in advertising and entertainment influence components of mind below the threshold of our conscious awareness. This sustained attack causes phased, progressive cumulative damage.

Information Poisoning is real.


Networked communications form an extended perceptual loop. Adversaries use these insecure pathways to 'poison the loop' introducing harmful information, fostering fear, uncertainty and doubt; incrementally subverting consciousness.


Corrupting the integrity of the extended perceptual pathway confers the ability to introduce information both overtly and explicitly and covertly and subliminally, below the threshold of our conscious awareness.



Anonymous ID: 69937c March 22, 2023, 12:28 p.m. No.18560821   🗄️.is đź”—kun

Gentle Jesus join my journey

When I lay me down to sleep.

I would gladly sleep forever

In your kind companionship.


Sweet Redeemer walk beside me

Guide my dreaming by your grace

Help my mind make pictures of you

Let my fingers feel your face.


Should I live to see the moment

When the convict sun is freed

Let me not forget your kindness

Let me not forget my need.

Anonymous ID: 69937c March 22, 2023, 1:14 p.m. No.18561043   🗄️.is đź”—kun

No information circulated over anonymous insecure networks, built to intelligence agency specs, as the internet was, can be trusted.

The internet was designed to be irremediably insecure by intel agencies to facilitate illicit commerce and permit universal surveillance and psychospiritual control.


We've exposed overt lies propagated by legacy media, but less evident, more serious, damage is done silently, by subliminal embeds, subsonics and influence technologies which manipulate memory and perception by hypnotic induction and implanted suggestions – processes which mostly happen below the viewers’ threshold of conscious awareness.


Anyone can inject toxic self-replicating material into media content streams over anonymous insecure networks. Network user’s cognitive autonomy and physical security depend on the integrity of the network which serves to connect them as much as it does on the integrity of the content producer.


Our internet is not only insecure by design, it is irremediably insecure by design. It doesn’t have to be that way, but it is that way.


Civilization rests on identity and advanced computational civilization rests on identity-over-networks. We need to know to a high degree of assurance who originated our email, who runs what appears to be a merchant or bank website and who owns, transmits, and produces our news and “entertainment” media content to know whether to trust that website, entertainment or media content.


A high percentage of the data we receive is not only network delivered but network sourced, and a news story will contain generations of layered error and inherited assumptions. When unrecognized errors accumulate in our circulating information supply, (news and entertainment content) our ability to make good decisions is gradually degraded. We make social and economic decisions based on what we assume to be facts - and the unrecognized errors in that data produce errors of ever-increasing magnitude. This not a hypothesis, it’s an axiom, and is cited by John von Neumann in “Computation and the Brain” JvN’s never completed final work.


We know technologies exist which permit precise control of individual and group information environments. News feeds, display ads, forum topics and visible response; all can be individually curated to produce predictable effects on a targeted individual or group.


Civilization, community and commerce all rest on identity, and we have no assured anonymity (by design) on the spy-built internet. Nor would we give up our real anonymity (if we had it) for the sake of secure networking. We don’t have real anonymity on the internet, though people who use C_A’s TOR mix net and proton mail users think so.


There are righteous reasons for anonymity and for that reason assured elective anonymity must be integral to the information system of the future.


How do we get both – assured identity AND anonymity on the same network without compromising either?


We the People need trusted networking to reliably distribute information that is real and true and important, information every person needs to make informed decisions. We the People’s decisions can be no better that the information they are based on – and right now they are based on accumulated MSM deceptions and psychological operations whose objective is terror.


In order to be secure FOR all, the internet must be secure FROM all, including the people who build it.


That's why an open, international program is essential, and why an information distribution platform or network is a UTILITY. It can never belong to a private company or a nation state entity. It MUST belong to its user’s information is a substance as essential to us as water and its purity is equally important.



Anonymous ID: 69937c March 22, 2023, 1:19 p.m. No.18561071   🗄️.is đź”—kun

Mark Thompson until recently the CEO editor of the New York Times, protected the notorious pedovore Jimmy Savile, covering up his child rapes in studios owned by BBC, where Thompson was CEO and Saville was employed for 30 plus years, attacking children in studios on BBC premises, in orphanages, hospitals, and even, regrettably, a morgue.


Mark Thompson is currently CEO of Ancestry dot com.


Saville was a good deal worse than what media tells us, because media as a rule is selective with truth for reasons which may, periodically, be well-intended. Thompson was not the only witness to Savile's crimes. Thousands were aware of Savile's activities.


When we are spared horrors, crimes go unpunished, are forgotten or ignored, as Saville's were for so many decades, the uncensured practices persist, recur and proliferate. Such is the nature of evil.


We have a much worse problem now. This evil and many others progressed and have become most thoroughly entwined into our most trusted social welfare systems. Our courts. Child Protective Services. NGOs like "The Children's Defense Fund" who deal with the poorest and most vulnerable.


Thompson protected Saville for decades, and the New York Times continues to protect highly placed pedovores. I hope my friends support the purgation of pedovores, but support or opposed every pedovore will be delivered to justice.


Our judicial, regulatory and intelligence agencies, churches and temples are all infested. Pedovores are often persons of social prominence; of great wealth and power; every single one of them will be delivered to justice.


How do you deliver the most privileged and powerful, the wealthiest and most ruthless in the world to justice? Slowly at first, then all at once.


Avoid MSM media content if possible, it is saturated with "hidden persuaders" ancient and effective technology that speaks to the unconscious component of our minds and exerts powerful influences on our choices of which we are largely unaware.

Anonymous ID: 69937c March 22, 2023, 1:23 p.m. No.18561096   🗄️.is đź”—kun


"If you want to regulate your life or judge history, you should at least know how God spends his day s. He has set aside a place, four cubits by four, and there he studies Talmud for the first three hours. From the fourth to the seventh hour, God sits and judges the world, but since he sees the world is guilty, he rises from the seat of Judgement and goes to sit on the throne of Mercy. During the third part of the day he sits there and feeds all the creatures of the world from the rhinoceros to the flea. During the fourth part of the day God plays with the leviathan."