Really starting to wonder whose Religion was destined when we came to this new world?
Freedom of Religion - Whose Religion?
Really starting to wonder whose Religion was destined when we came to this new world?
Freedom of Religion - Whose Religion?
splain the dream anon, let anon eyes see if we can help
idk anon, man lives 100 years no vax, then vaxed and dies 4 days later. pretty sure we can pin it on the vax
sisteranon took vax, had a stroke 3 months later and is now passed on.
fauci, when they hang you, I WILL BE THERE!
4 days/ 4 months
statement stands
100 years no problem. vaxed and ded within a few months
se took it over the money voucher they were offering in her state
seems only partial information and not dream related???
am i missing something more?
can u elaborate a bit?
sorry just waking up and still tryuing to get the brain turned on atm