>>18565767 lb
Kekistan is Khazaria 2.0 brain-dead mongrel, Kekistan calling!
4-6% ww are hooknosed Mongrels!
Typical hooknosed Mongrel!
>>18565767 lb
Kekistan is Khazaria 2.0 brain-dead mongrel, Kekistan calling!
4-6% ww are hooknosed Mongrels!
Typical hooknosed Mongrel!
>jesus was never a real person.
Nope, you mongrel don't know shit, like all of you brain-dead clown-kids!
>Thank you Mr. Watkins.
>8 years of data.
8 years of lies, betrayal, cheating,… Gatekeeper!
Death to every single one of you fucks, of course your shat out children are not forgotten!
>It's not working, you're wasting your life.
As soon as you inferior fucks open your fronthole, it smells shitty!
The whole world know who you ratfaced hooknosed bastards are!
Surrender or get slayin!