Anonymous ID: fdfbf6 March 23, 2023, 8:04 p.m. No.18570140   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0163 >>0180 >>0186

this place has been going through some growing pains.

sometimes it's like there are only shills.

other times it's as if all the shills are missing.


Back when Q would post before he did there would often be a flood of posts that seemed to be, the best way to to put it, operators in the field.

I haven't seen that since before the place was shut down for 5 months (before El Paso).

(I might have the time span incorrect, I'm working from memory).


it's odd how it is here now.

And to say it's 'shifts?'

it's more like a whole different crew is in charge depending on the baker, I suppose.

Meanwhile the people in the background are still here, the BV's , Jim, and others.

anyway, it's hard to handle at times, like it's a spiritual attack. Other times it's easy.

tonight I had to just walk away and stop for a while.

and now I see twits putting up garbage graphics and calling it 'magic'.

anyway, just a report on some of what I percieve going on here.


and as far as all of the 'shills' who want to 'belong' the joy of this place, and why it always worked, is that it is a place for the 'unwanted'. a place for misfits who always knew that life and society can be brutal, and that people often get tossed by those who should be wanting them to succeed.

like they are just a sacrifice.

those of us who had to endure the long years of fruitless job searches, and understood that if we were . . . . or . . . . . . we'd have gotten jobs right away . . . and knew that it wasn't about requirements . . . we might fit in by being misfits, in that sense.

so if you want to belong here, you don't belong.

and if you're here because you know that the future is bright, but we are in an inbetween state of affairs, and that things will improve. . . and you do it as a way to make sure things are ok, then . . . well you aren't doing it to fit in.


so all you shills who think you can manufacture a culture here, be advised: culture is like a styles: they are what they are, but every group or society seems to have good and not as good, and peole aren't what we see in plays, on television, or in the movies.

and all of you still stuck in the pop music psyop: please stop basing your world view on crap lyrics written by junkie performers who couldn't have gotten anywhere (most of them) if they didn't also sell out.

Being a pop star isn't a virtue. That's not to say that if you are that you're a crud.

it's the all or nothing nature and the magical thinking that , to me, reveals when someone isn't being honest or helpful.

sometimes that seems like everyone else in a bread.

other times , there's a lot of good to see.

so if one bread is a shillfest of dipshits saying that they are casting spells, and you can't understand because (and they have an insult) maybe it's time to close the browser, take a nap, wait for the next bread.

Anonymous ID: fdfbf6 March 23, 2023, 8:33 p.m. No.18570304   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0313

There is an interesting article at Red State that talks about layoffs at Disney and that many people who are called 'woke' employees are being let go.