Viva France!!
Viva the real French people!!!'
so wrong, they have blood on their hands, they are evil
Signed official statement of Stormy Daniels admits affair never happened and that she was not paid 'hush money'
True but it's for normies, see above
on another tack, we need to be angry about those who did the vax to unsuspecting people,
they must go to prison or be executed for their crimes; this is child abuse
wake up all you anons
smell the coffee
it's the 'jews'
'Judea declares war on Germany' 1933, (English newspaper)
this is true
rabbi sucks the blood from the penis of a just circumsized 'jewish' baby; nice work
see if this is deleted by BV/baker
yup, a genocide of those who took the vax
should be quick trials and imprisonment or execution for those who are responsible for the vax, and there is a lot of them
finally habbening
>when's something going to actually happen?
just did
agree wholeheartedly
we need to prosecute those responsible for the criminal deaths of others
that's the mainstream media for you, lying all the time
it's all habbening all at once
thumbs up
yes. truth
I agree also.
Expose it all and let the chips fall where they may.
'''Too many have died due to lack of knowledge already, ie the vax
yes, very sobering thinking that our food supply could be tainted by the satanists with human meat
television~ tell-a-vision, tell-lie-vision
agree, disclose it all, and let people find out, enough preparation
you are both right, both ways
pay attention to these reports, anons, it's a drip, drip, drip
what about the drone over the Black Sea?
hehe, our collective leaders are stupid.
hi all true, organic, good anons
33 33
what about the case against Dershowitz for going to Epstein Island on the Lolita Express?
Biden is stupid or complicit, NATO leaders are stupid or complicit, Zelensky (Ukraine) is a 'jewish' puppet killing off Ukrainian and Russian men instead of making peace. he actually wanted to do it in March but was stopped by the US.
the US blew up the German and Russian gas pipes
I live in hope of more.
Expose it all and let the chips fall where they may.
Too many have died due to lack of knowledge already, ie the vax
i tend to agree
4e9775, 694b03 please stop the echochamber stuff, it's boring
''don't you mean nit-picker?''
i am a robot
Zelensky for sure, though both are 'jewish', and Trudeau is the son of Fidel Castro
Have to go soon so hi to all good, true, organic anons