child sacrifice/ organ harvesting from children / ukraine battery farms raising child sex slaves for pedo consumption
this is the sort of deeply evil shit that will put 99% of people in a mental hospital, they won't be able to handle the truth
child sacrifice/ organ harvesting from children / ukraine battery farms raising child sex slaves for pedo consumption
this is the sort of deeply evil shit that will put 99% of people in a mental hospital, they won't be able to handle the truth
There is an upward trend of aggressive testicular cancer in young men under 30, which will kill if not detected very early
The spike proteins gather heavily in the testes and ovaries, no doubt by design to reduce reproduction by sterilising young people of reproductive age
The mRNA covid vax juice is a powder keg of negative deadly outcomes
Where do the organs go
Use your imagination, thinking of the most dark, evil and dire uses, and you will probably only scratch the surface of what these deeply evil fuckers are doing to little children
One of my beefs with the Q drops and "great awakening" is that Q/QTeam was deeply condescending, claiming that, oh well, you know, the complete truth couldn't be exposed because normies just couldn't handle it
Bullshit, rip the masks off and expose everything !
Stop pandering to the weakling snowflakes and show the evil that is currently being hidden, go full scorched earth, publish it all, wake up the stupid sleepy normies with a shock and awe campaign
Just do it!
apparently, yes
processed meat etc
it would please the satanists no end to slip human meat into the supply chain
they would be delighted to know that unsuspecting humans had become unwitting cannibals
I'm sure it has, and is being done
Sobering thought, isn't it?
I've read about the underwater nuclear tsunami weapons also, it sounds like it would be very effective
Russians have their much hyped nuclear torpedo super-weapon too
I often wondered why the American B 52 bombers are still in service and supposedly it's because most ground/silo launched nuclear missiles are no longer fit for purpose, unreliable, so the old lumbering B 52's need to be kept in service for reliable nuclear bomb delivery
The USAF is still doing regular practise nuclear bombing runs at Russia, most notably atm towards St Petersburg…a very dangerous game, trying to bait Vlad
The Rumble video platform has been shut down in France
Well well…..
Can't have the French citizens posting the truth of what is happening!
Fuck Globohomo and all who worship its Temples!
>Did we find out cancer is a fungus?
Fungus was being discussed here yesterday, but it was in relation to the ex baker, AFLB aka Fungus, of Canadian descent
Space Fungus is however, a thing, not sure about cancer fungus though
I've come (very late) to the conclusion that I know nothing, and all my beliefs of a lifetime are mostly false
I have been an NPC most of my life, fed a diet of lies and half truth
If I am very fortunate I will know "the truth" in some small ways before I go to my grave
I remain penitent and must remind myself every day that I know…. nothing