luciferian pedos and flat earth are related you globetard
there's double meaning in what he's saying
luciferian pedos. lucifer is real. god is real. we've been lied to about nature of universe. earth is flat. BOOM
The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork.
FE is real dickhead.
yep. cus its not a spinning ballโฆ
you hear how ridiculous you sound?
a spinning crust on top of an ocean on top of magma on top of iron or plasma all spinning at different speeds.
what's your obsession with things spinning beneath our feet? i think you need a spin doctor!
how fast are we spinning? how fast are we being dragged around the sun? how fast is the sun being dragged around the galaxy? how fast is the galaxy being dragged around the universe? how fast is the universe being dragged around the multiverse? How fast is Sirius being dragged around the Milky way? In what direction? And the other stars? The other galaxies? And yet, 10,000 years ago the same stars were in the same parts of the sky at the same time of the year like clockwork, year after year.
Don't be daft. Use logic.
go join john podesta and get probed by your ETs