Anonymous ID: 6ccc34 March 24, 2023, 12:50 p.m. No.18573925   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Hakann: To Those Who Harm Children


This is Commander Hakann speaking. I am delivering an official message on behalf of the galactic confederation. This message is directed at every Earth human who has intentionally harmed children in this lifetime in a significant way.


The message is this: these actions are in violation of both Earth law and galactic law. Moreover, it is inevitable the dark, service-to-self, separation-consciousness side will lose completely. There is not a 99% chance of that happening. There is a 100% chance of that happening.


If necessary, we will see to it ourselves that the dark controllers lose. Our technology is hundreds if not thousands of years ahead of yours, so we are able to defeat the dark controllers and their puppeted soldiers as easily as your military would be able to defeat a medieval army. It would be no contest. Now, we would much rather have Earth humans arrest the dark controllers. However, even in the unlikely scenario that the dark side would somehow come out on top and threaten to take complete control, we will simply step in to make sure that doesn’t happen. Hence the dark side cannot win.


Not to mention that the rising energetics on your world simply will not support a rule by dark controllers for much longer.


In the future we will be in open contact with Earth humans, and we fully expect them to ask us for a complete list of every Earth human who has intentionally harmed children. If asked, we will give this list to them. And yes, this list will contain literally every Earth human who has intentionally harmed children in this lifetime.


Therefore I say to every Earth human who has intentionally harmed children: the dark side has lost. Turn yourself in now. You cannot stop what is coming. Do you really want to spend your last time on Earth struggling or hiding or fighting for the wrong side?


It is not too late to still do something productive and useful, namely turn yourself in and share what you know. Perhaps some children can still be saved based on your information.


We know that the dark side threatens everyone who turns themselves in and starts whistleblowing. However the dark side simply doesn’t have the resources anymore to actually go after people who do this. They are already spending everything they have, just to barely survive a short while longer.


If you surrender and turn yourself in, you may be able to negotiate slightly better terms. Moreover, turning yourself in may lead to what you would consider to be a better afterlife and a better life after reincarnation.


I don’t think the concepts of karma or heaven are literally true as they are commonly understood on Earth. However, your soul is a part of you and your soul will decide what afterlife and what next life would best serve your evolution. If you actively keep making people suffer right up until your death, then your soul will very likely make you experience more suffering yourself, so that you can experience the other side of causing suffering, namely receiving suffering.


Conversely, if you actually start working to stop people from suffering on your world, for example by whistleblowing, then your soul may very well conclude: “lesson (partly) learned already” and you will suffer less yourself in the afterlife and past lives.


Some of you have made deals with demons or have sold your body or soul. We invite you to call on either Source, or archangel Michael, or Jesus / Yeshua, or on whatever other angel or ascended master you feel a connection with. If you sincerely repent and stop harming children, they can declare these deals to be null and void, and your body or soul will not be harvested.

Anonymous ID: 6ccc34 March 24, 2023, 1:45 p.m. No.18574213   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Enjoy this experience more for at some point it will be over. Enjoy this incarceration, slow down. You are here in the middle of the biggest show on earth.