Anonymous ID: de1f90 March 25, 2023, 3:25 p.m. No.18580114   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0123 >>0224 >>0231 >>0506


As an actual longtime Q follower (still to this day), I personally think it’s time for Donald Trump to ride off into the sunset and let Ron Desantis take the Presidency. Trump, while I love him and think he was the greatest President in my lifetime, is just too divisive and combative for America in 2024, and the vast, vast, majority of Republican and Independent voters just don’t have the stamina for another 4 years of liberals foaming at the mouth and framing them for hate crimes, etc.

One gripe I do have with Trump is that he did fail to deliver on most of his marquee campaign promises (didn’t build the wall, didn’t drain the swamp, didn’t lock her up), so part of me just wants to give Ron a chance, just to see if he can deliver better than Trump.

Finally, to any journalists who might be monitoring this board, I, a Donald Trump supporter and Q follower who thinks Ron is a better candidate for 2024, give you full permission to reference and quote any and everything I just said

Anonymous ID: de1f90 March 25, 2023, 3:27 p.m. No.18580135   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0151


oops, sorry. that was the wrong one. here.


I think it’s time Q Research apologizes for its systemically racist culture. It’s no secret that “anons” find great pleasure bashing anybody who isn’t white, and that’s just really unacceptable. So now it’s up to each and every “anon” reading this to take a moment and say sorry for hurting marginalized people everywhere. And to be clear, just because you apologize doesn’t mean the slate is cleaned and you can go about your life as nothing happened. Recognizing and resolving your inherit racism only happens through ACTION, so please tell the board what active steps you’re going to take to ensure everyone feels like they belong.