Anonymous ID: 005836 June 21, 2018, 11:52 p.m. No.1858616   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8630 >>8651


the cognitive dissonance is more real than I could have imagined. landlord was in my house today shooting the shit, he noticed i had fox news on in the background and lost his marbles, told me off, and left. i tried calming him down, explaining that the channel i watch means nothing if i'm just looking to see what the talking points are and that all MSM is biased one way or another.


I am apparently now a nazi sympathizer who supports tearing families apart and destroying America for believing POTUS is on the right path and paving the way to better and brighter future for everyone but the sadists and psychopaths.


This was my first encounter with anyone so disillusioned, and prior to today, I honestly didn't expect that anyone could really be so blindly passionate about the liberal narrative and unwilling to even hear or see a counter argument. I have absolutely no doubt that people with his mindset cannot be reasoned with, and I'm confident in saying that because I'm pretty good at reasoning with people. I did my best to plant seeds of doubt in his subconscious, but im positive the seeds are already dead… liberal mentality, it seems, can be so efficiently salted that no seed can grow..


I know he's not a bad guy, just incredibly misguided and I can only assume the same can be said for others with his mindset.


I/we need guidance on how to approach people like this because there is nothing here in Qresearch that can even come close to touching these people, and the slow seed planting approach in the redpill support thread doesn't seem like it's capable of keeping pace with the rapid change in narrative that's due..


Or do we just avoid the issue with them? In the days to come, as things ramp up, leaving these people behind isn't an acceptable solution, so I'd like to know, if you wouldn't mind sharing, at least some hints about the official plan for how to deal with the unreasonable?


I can't imagine anything will change their minds, short of the parrots they already listen to on CNN redirecting their consciousness… and the chances of that happening are what? 1/100? 1/1000? Lower? probably much lower imho. maybe need to get control of the parrots or their puppet masters to make this happen? I can't see far enough ahead without more info..


thankQ for all you do, POTUS and Q team. you guys are seriously bad ass.


Anonymous ID: 005836 June 22, 2018, 12:16 a.m. No.1858746   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8793


Seems like theyre holding on to that card as long as possible. probably to see how everything else plays out. probably have a plan to release it when/if they need it. fuck I hope they release it.