Anonymous ID: 1fb0fb June 21, 2018, 11:33 p.m. No.1858477   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8576 >>8593 >>8764 >>8802 >>8905

Digging Lavender Mafia and Gay Mafia


"We Are the Champions": How the Lavender Mafia Got Over the Wall and into the Sanctuary


As the reader might guess, the music industry is not the only place where degeneracy is hidden in plain sight. Throughout much of the 1970s and 80s, under the careful eye of Chicago’s Cardinal Joseph Bernardin, the Catholic Church in America was overtaken by what has been called the “Lavender Mafia,” a group of gay clerics who ascended to positions of power and attempted to saturate much of the Church with their co-degenerates. As the horrific sex scandals with which the Church has been rocked for over three decades now testify, the first generation of the Lavender Mafia or “Lavender Mafia 1.0,” full of “old school gay” old liberals, was a little too obvious and careless. Playing on the trust of Catholic families and communities, and the initial tendency of American law enforcement filled with Irish and Italian Catholics to look the other way, gay and pederast priests were able to accomplish what Protestants, Masons, and Communists were never able to do: completely destroy the faith of American Catholics in their priests and bishops.


After the “Spotlight” investigative journalism by the Boston Globe, led by editor Marty Baron (who now sits at the helm of “fake news central,” The Washington Post), the Lavender Mafia 1.0 largely laid low as their friends either went to jail, or if they had powerful enough connections in and outside the Church, escaped to Rome in humiliation.


Chastened by the abuse scandals, this mafia is much wiser and much more cautious than their reckless forefathers impelled by the ghostly spirit of Vatican II. Like the cleverer producers and artists of 1980s sodomy-synth pop music, Lavender Mafia 2.0 has learned to adapt and now exercises a cackling, velvet-gloved, Machiavellian craftiness. At the same time, while they might be censured by the press and attacked by outraged laity, the members of Lavender 2.0 know that, within the Church at least, they have friends in high places. The key to understanding the renaissance of degeneracy in the Church under the reign of Lavender 2.0 is to examine Pope Francis’s infamous July 2013, “Who am I to judge?” blurb within its proper context. While most of the media attention given from both hostile and friendly sources to this quote has argued that Pope Francis was greenlighting homosexuality in general and gay marriage in particular (which he may, in fact, also have been doing), the Holy Father, in this context, was specifically talking about gay priests. And these gay priests were listening. However, while they knew that had support in the Vatican, these members of Lavender 2.0 had to rework their modus operandi to avoid showing up on the front page of the Boston Globe.


There are four key tactics have been used by Lavender 2.0 to beguile their opponents, gain support from the hierarchy, and lure in support Catholic conservatives who have not yet turned to traditionalism.

The first tactic is what we might call “St. Sebastianism.”present themselves as victims of judgmental and cruel traditionalists who are either crazy, evil, or even gay themselves.

The second heretic statements as well as commit publicly scandalous acts and then immediately retreat behind a veil of piety.

The social media profiles and interviews of many of Lavender 2.0 clerics are loaded with gay innuendos, heresies, and even creepy-flirty messages.


Anonymous ID: 1fb0fb June 21, 2018, 11:47 p.m. No.1858576   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Gay Mafia

The Gay Mafia, Velvet Mafia, gay lobby, etc. are pejorative terms for the alleged disproportional behind-the-scene influence of gay rights groups and the LGBT community in politics, media, culture, and everyday life.[1]


An early use of the term was when the English critic Kenneth Tynan proposed an article to Playboy editor A.C. Spectorsky in late 1967 on the "Homosexual Mafia" in the arts.[2] Spectorsky declined, although he admitted that "culture hounds were paying homage to faggotismo as they have never done before". Playboy would run a panel on gay issues in April 1971.


The term "Velvet Mafia" was first used in an article in the "Top of the Pop" column in the entertainment section of the Sunday New York Daily News in the 1970s by journalist Steven Gaines to describe the executives at the Robert Stigwood Organization, a British film and record company. The phrase was later used by the same writer in a roman à clef about Studio 54 called The Club in reference to the influential gay crowd that became the club's habitués. This "mafia" included Calvin Klein, Truman Capote, Halston, and Andy Warhol. The term was tongue-in-cheek, describing a powerful social clique, not some truly devious alliance ruling either an industry or politics.[citation needed]


"Gay Mafia" was widely used in the media in the 1980s and 1990s, and could be seen in the pages of the New York Post. The term was also used by the British newspaper The Sun in 1998 in response to what it claimed was an over-representation of gay people in the Labour Party Cabinet. Gradually, velvet came to be replaced with gay. The term may have gained wider social prominence after it was used in a 1995 Spy article and a 2002 Vanity Fair article, wherein Michael Ovitz, in an interview,[7] stated that a "gay mafia" was largely responsible for his company's failures.[8]


More recently, comedian and TV host Bill Maher claimed: "I think there is a gay mafia. I think if you cross them, you do get whacked. I really do."[9]


The Lavender Mafia has also been used to refer to an informal network of gay executives in the entertainment industry.[10]


Lavender Mafia has also been used to refer to a supposed faction within the leadership and clergy of the Roman Catholic Church that allegedly advocates the acceptance of homosexuality within the Church and its culture.[11] In 2013 Pope Francis claimed there was a "gay lobby" within the Vatican in remarks during a meeting held in private with some of the Catholic religious from Latin America, and he was said to have promised to see what could be done to address the issue.[12] In July 2013, he responded directly to journalists' questions. He notably drew a distinction between the problem of lobbying and the sexual orientation of people: "If a person is gay and seeks God and has good will, who am I to judge?" "The problem", he said, "is not having this orientation. We must be brothers. The problem is lobbying by this orientation, or lobbies of greedy people, political lobbies, Masonic lobbies, so many lobbies. This is the worse problem."[13][14]


HominternHomintern was a reference to a global community of homosexuals with common interests.[15][16] The term Homintern was used by anti-Communist American Senator Joe McCarthy during the McCarthyist lavender scare, who used it to claim that the administrations of Franklin D. Roosevelt and Harry S. Truman, which was set on destroying America from within.[17] During the times of Lavender scare in the United States, attempts were made to link Communism and homosexuality, and the term "Homintern" was a derogatory appellation to the allegedly subversive nature of this community. The word is a play on the word "Comintern," the short name of the Communist International.[18][15] An early written reference to the term is from 1937, when the classical scholar Maurice Bowra referred to himself as a member of the Homintern.[19] However, there are competing claims about who coined the term.[a][b][c][d]


Michael S. Sherry used the term hominterm discourse "for the untidy bundle of ideas and accusations about the gay creative presence".[23]



Anonymous ID: 1fb0fb June 21, 2018, 11:49 p.m. No.1858593   🗄️.is 🔗kun



The Chicago Gay Mafia…From The Bath House To The White House


Today the Chicago Bath House Mafia Luis Gutiérrez…The Flaming Rooster Barry The Bath House Boy Toy & RamRod Rahm Emanuel now back in Chicago because he really missed the bath houses Will stop at nothing in their in zeal to completely corrupt America & anything good & descent in the world.

Anonymous ID: 1fb0fb June 22, 2018, 12:25 a.m. No.1858802   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8816 >>8852 >>8855 >>8888



Catholic expert details 'Huge homosexual underground in the Church'


*The formation of the Lavender Mafia

*Pope Benedict knows and fought bravely




Also see: Top Vatican official: Gay sex in Vatican ‘never been worse’ than under Francis


Anonymous ID: 1fb0fb June 22, 2018, 12:41 a.m. No.1858905   🗄️.is 🔗kun



KSK productions and the Karlzen Family Chicago, Illinois United States presents…


Chicago Gay Mob Videos


Mr. Punishment was a real person and what he did will amaze and shock you when you watch the Chicago Gay Mob TV Series.


Chicago Gay Mob-Ask your TV Network for this unique show-Netflix, Showtime, HBO, AMC, etc


Fact- based depiction of gay and mob life in the 1970’s and the corruption, sex, violence, racism, fears of that era.


The Chicago Gay Mob is based in actual people, places and events of the 1970s and 80s.




$→ More Violence, action, and Drama than the “Sopranos”


$→ More Gay Sex than the “Queer as Folks”


$→ More interesting than “That 70’s Show”


$→ More insightful and intriguing than the “Orange is the New Black”


$→ Never has the truth and these stories been told about

Chicago Gay Mob and the Chicago Mob.

