Anonymous ID: 56b735 June 21, 2018, 10:53 p.m. No.1858115   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8124

>>1857907 Banon Says Trump Will "Run the Tables" in Midterms - duh…


@13:30 min


JONATHAN KARL, OK, let's get to the IG report on the FBI's actions during the 2016 elections. This was – had that very damning exchange, the text exchange between Peter Strzok, FBI agent and former FBI lawyer, Lisa Page.


She says, "Trump's not ever going to become president, right, right?"

And he responds, "No, he's not. We'll stop it."

Absolutely damning. But we also heard from FBI director Chris Wray, who said this about the report.


CHRISTOPHER WRAY, FBI DIRECTOR: This report did not find any evidence of political bias or improper considerations actually impacting the investigation under review.


KARL: He also said that the bias was limited in scope.

Was he right?


BANNON: Jonathan, let's talk about that – let's talk about the "we'll stop it." OK. We have an issue. This is all tied to Korea and the southern wall. We have an elite in this country. That's not the most damning thing.


Remember, Strzok and these guys are not FBI agents. They're the equivalent – he and McCabe, they're equivalent of three- and four-star generals. This is the leadership of the Federal Bureau of Investigation.


BANNON: If you look at what they said about the American people, this is not animus. The hatred of the American people and the Trump supporter and President Trump himself is shocking. And that has not been played up enough.


They called the Trump voters, lazy, poor, these middle class, lazy, uneducated people can't get jobs and pieces of excrement. You can't even say what they really said on Sunday morning television. They called Trump a piece of excrement.


Their hatred of Trump, they weaponized the FBI against Donald Trump. This report is shocking on so many levels. And remember, and IG report. He says bias. Unless an inspector general actually a guy tells them, yes, I did it biasedly, he's going to actually say that, the inspector general's report is just the beginning. It's a small sliver.


Remember he didn't go to the intelligence agencies. He didn't go to State. He didn't go to the White House. And let's talk about this comment. "We'll stop it."


OK. Devin Nunes comes out, the Intelligence Committee, all that was supposed to be presented to the Intelligence Committee. He did not see that quote until noon on Thursday when it was in the report.


More importantly, more importantly, on page 404 of this report, there is a footnote. That was deleted. That and the footnote, they only found that in May. That exchange – hang on. That exchange was found in may When they went back and took the thing and then went back.


He – Strzok, who is a three-star general equivalent, and Page, deleted the this. You know why?


They knew it was a smoking gun. Very simple. Very simple. Very simple.