Anonymous ID: b96a7d June 22, 2018, 12:44 a.m. No.1858931   🗄️.is 🔗kun

A rant…..


This is to all who are up in arms about children being separated from their "parents" after illegally crossing the border into the US. The one thing you forget is that this is a way for "coyotes" (human traffickers) to smuggle children into the states. But you forget about that in your oh so righteous emotional media induced hypnotrance.


Will the MSM report on this? Probably not… Why show you the truth when manufactured outrage will suffice… Pics of children kept in cages? From 2014 when Obozo was in power…


To those that are caught up in this hysteria, you are sheep, and you are being used by the left to push a false, manufactured "crisis" just like the Parkland shooting, the leftist media is using children to push their agenda…


Shame on you for falling into their narrative without doing any research or critical thinking on your own and spreading this BS on social media.


The real truth behind this is that it is a manufactured distraction, a distraction designed to keep you from paying attention to the IG report that is providing damning truth about the corruption of left that you worship, about the corruption in the DOJ and the FBI, about Hillary and even yes, your can do no wrong Obozo. That is what this is really all about.


What's that you say? Never really hear about this from CNN or MSNBC or the rest of the fake media? (According to a recent poll, 71% of you have not) Pity…. But yet, you keep falling for it.


You fell for Parkland (disappeared pretty fast from the news cycle after another failed attempt to repeal the 2nd. amendment) You fell for Stormy (Where is she now anyway?)


Did you hear the story of a child, 6 years old, dumped in the desert by a coyote he called his "uncle", basically left to die until he was found by the Birder patrol. (


Will you be outraged by this youngsters story? Will you take to the streets and social media to protest child trafficking?


Yeah, just what I thought, you will do what your media masters tell you to do (Micheal Moore is a real POS BTW) and continue to be outraged by what they tell you to be outraged about instead of what you should be.


Think for yourselves dummies, dig, get the whole story because in the end you will realize what an embarrassment to the human race you really are.


Your President has made it a priority for his administration to track down, arrest, and prosecute paedopholes and human traffickers and has been quite successful in doing so. Thousands have been arrested since Trump took office but do you hear about it? Are you cheering your Presidents efforts to combat this evil of evils?


No… your too busy wearing pussy hats and being outraged by whatever outrage is the flavour of the day. What you are told to be outraged about by the mockingbird media, and you don`t even realize it. Shame….


I am sickened by you. You are not worth the skin you wear to cover your bones. You are vile, obnoxious creatures who are best viewed in a zoo as this is where you belong as you have lost any semblance of a moral center. Yes YOU… Liberals….


You are no better than the rats that infest the sewers of the decaying urban blight where you are bred to become part of the machine yet, you think you have the moral high ground and call decent, hardworking denizens on this mortal coil (herein after known as Conservatives or alt-right) homophobic, xenophobic, Islamophobic or many other derogatory terms because we refuse to become one of you. We can think for ourselves and truly aspire to a higher place and purpose than just living in a basement and expecting the state to look after your sorry asses.


You disgust me…. But your time is coming, the deplorables have awakened after a long slumber to question what was really happening to this society. We were the forgotten majority and you will rue the day that we awoke. We are now legion. We are connected and we have the power.


Your Liberal (Marxist) order is being challenged. Your dark satanic leaders are being exposed, dark to light, fallacy to truth. With the rise of Trump and the phenomenon of Q Anon, we now march as one. Where we go one, we go all… So be afraid, be very afraid, the deplorables are now coming for you where ever you may be, the US, Canada, the UK, Australia, Germany… We are everywhere and we are no longer the forgotten, we will be remembered and your order will be relegated to the dustbin of history…. Trump, Q Anon and us… Do you believe in coincidences?